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Our Story: Creating a Resonating Storytelling

Pawners Paper Creative Magazine: Our Brand Story. The culture of storytelling is fading recently despite the numerous publishing spaces available...

"...Creating a Resonating Storytelling"

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A writer's and other creatives' dream is to have a safe space for their works, and not just a safe space, but one where their works are heard, seen, and most importantly, indepthly felt and admired. But the route to this journey is crude.

The culture of storytelling is fading recently despite the numerous publishing spaces available. It is less credible and less authentic. It lacks quality, intentional representation and support of underground writers and creatives. There is also minimal inclusivity—as more focus is given only to the creatives and less to the audience and readers, including their perspectives, feelings, critics, their aftermath experiences, and the emotive background story behind every creative's work. In short, storytelling as an art has been watered down. Because of these factors, we are sharing a new experience into the creative world.

We need to stop focusing on swift and less relatable creative experiences but rather on the aftermath experiences that linger further. That's the true nature of storytelling, as they reveal themselves in our daily lives. That is our mandate as a creative magazine. It isn't just about telling stories, it's about reliving the experiences and feeling the connections gained from each piece of story.

At Pawners Paper Creative Magazine, we understand both the creatives and their audience because we've been both. We have lived both experiences. Because of this, we want to create a space that explores the true nature of storytelling as an art form. Not with restrictiveness to the dominant literary works such as poetry, short stories etc., but also to screenplay, screenwriting, and creative performances. We want to share insights into the reflective lifestyles of creatives and the audience's thrilling expectations. We want to live out the challenges in the creative and publication space and offer practicable solutions. We want to create long-lasting experiences. We want to create a resonating storytelling.



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Pawners Paper: Our Story: Creating a Resonating Storytelling
Our Story: Creating a Resonating Storytelling
Pawners Paper Creative Magazine: Our Brand Story. The culture of storytelling is fading recently despite the numerous publishing spaces available...
Pawners Paper
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