Horny Goat Weed paints daintly, a wreckage with pints of red; revealing the thorns that are plain to see, but swift to swallow. Pawners Paper Magazine
Horny Goat Weed paints daintly, a wreckage with pints of red; revealing the thorns that are plain to see, but swift to swallow. The poem enthuses with sensual imagery of beauty and the end of unretracted lust.
Into the shabby hut, the storm did bring
Sir Dick, who pranced and frolicked with a weakling's spring.
He gazed into the maiden's eye with a steadfast stare,
Who watched o'er the inn, lest a stranger come to share.
"Ah," quoth he, "pray let me tarry, for I am weak and worn,
A spoilt cornet, no longer worthy to be born."
The maiden stepped forth, and with a gentle hand,
She guided him to the raffia bed where he might stand.
She fed him bread, unleavened and hastily prepared,
And he, in gratitude, did praise her beauty.
"Oh, fair damsel, who didst aid me in my distress,
Pray, grant me succor in thy lovely caress."
But she, with modesty, didst chide him, saying, "Nay,
Come not too near, lest thy presence doth my duties slay."
Yet still he clung to her wrist, with a lover's zeal,
And drew her to his groin, with a twist of his unseemly steel.
And as he reached for his zipper, with a lustful intent,
His breath didst fail him, and his strength was spent.
He looked upon his chest, and saw a fork didst lie,
Rooted in his bloody vest, a fatal wound didst bid him nigh.
Upon the damsel's mat, he slumped, like a mole slain,
And she, with haste, didst wrap him in the mat,
like a sausage in a rein.
About The Poet
Obongofon Etuk is a published Nigerian Poet and Pharmacist. He loves to play with the Shakespearean style of language in his works because he draws great inspiration from such. His works are featured on Brittle Paper, Eboquills, Ità nilé, Pawner Papers, Afrocritik, Spillwords, amongst others.
I love this, you are the best sir.