--> INTALK CONVERSATION: Excel Chinagorom Michael Shares Insight Into His Perception Of Poetry And It's Appreciation. | Pawners Paper

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INTALK CONVERSATION: Excel Chinagorom Michael Shares Insight Into His Perception Of Poetry And It's Appreciation.

Excel Chinagorom Michael's poem, Seismograph Under The Mantrap in A Soundproof Room, was shortlisted for the Pawners Paper's Spoken Word and Poetry.

Excel Chinagorom Michael Shares Insight Into His Perception Of Poetry And It's Appreciation

Excel Chinagorom Michael

Excel Chinagorom Michael's poem, Seismograph Under The Mantrap in A Soundproof Room, was shortlisted for the Pawners Paper's Spoken Word and Poetry Contest.

Excel Chinagorom Michael is a content creator, blogger, and author of 'Girls Are Roses' living in the suburbs of Aba, Nigeria. He was shortlisted for the Konnect E-Zine poetry prize. His works have been published in different magazines.

In this short interview, Excel shares insight into his perception of poetry and its appreciation.

How does it feel after making the shortlist? Did you anticipate it?

I felt super excited and exhilarated. Definitely, it ricocheted the joy and surprise in me. And for anticipation, yes, I was ever ready to presume and defy with a competitive intellect. And the outcome was brilliant. Thank you, Pawners Paper.
What inspired you to come up with the piece?

The new year came with an aura of discovery and romance. Moderately, the empathy, artistic flare, and innate beauty of authenticity, love, and sensuality captured the essence of immersion in the beauty of female folks. 
What do you think makes good poetry? The diction, grammar, or artistic use of literary devices?
Indeed, poetry isn't just manipulative prose. You need obscurity and the artistic use of literary devices to differentiate it from other genres.

When emotion or beauty takes precedence over correct grammatical structure, it's a testament that has evoked a concentrated awareness of experience or emotional response through language. 
What's your view of contemporary poetry? A toxic deviation from the standard or a necessary rejuvenation to reignite the fire of relativeness?

Toxic? No. But the misconception among readers towards poetry is that poetry is for the wussies; there's no money in writing poems; it's always short; it must be written in eloquent language; and it has to rhyme.
Contemporary poetry emphasizes the translation of experience through the eminence of images and the mythology of human culture that dig into how language works, as well as researching subject matters. If it is poetry, it is evocative. It will typically provoke the readers an intense emotion: joy, catharsis, sorrow, love, etc.

So, as I say, poetry is evolving, and the comprehension of readers also needs elevation.
What sets poetry apart from other forms of literature?

Poetry has distinctive and recognizable forms such as sonnets, haiku, meters, and free verses that differentiate it from other forms. It employs various sound devices, which can be seen in the following elements: rhyme, meter, assonance, and alliteration, to create a musical effect and convey meaning.
In what ways do you think poetry is better conveyed?

Poetry is so important because we understand and appreciate the world around us through it. So there are no questions about how much better it is. Poetry teaches us how to live.



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Pawners Paper: INTALK CONVERSATION: Excel Chinagorom Michael Shares Insight Into His Perception Of Poetry And It's Appreciation.
INTALK CONVERSATION: Excel Chinagorom Michael Shares Insight Into His Perception Of Poetry And It's Appreciation.
Excel Chinagorom Michael's poem, Seismograph Under The Mantrap in A Soundproof Room, was shortlisted for the Pawners Paper's Spoken Word and Poetry.
Pawners Paper
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