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Writing Utensils | Meaning, History, Types and Best Writing Utensils To Buy

Writing utensils are one of the necessary stationery equipments that are often times worth spending on by writers, artists, and other creatives

Writing Utensils

Writing utensils

Writing utensils are one of the necessary stationery equipments that are often times worth spending on by writers, artists, and other creatives—and for some, it is an obsession. This is particularly true due to the fact that writing or drawing can be quite demanding, and the lack of good writing utensils can make it more exhilarating. So, why make it harder?

Basically, the use of non-quality writing utensils may be detrimental to the user. Such writing instruments are more likely to break or leak. It may also affect the handwriting based on its rigid texture. Similarly, for the artists, their pencils or pens are the magic definer. The quality of the writing utensils artists use determines the tone, the seamless effort in creating the artistic works, and sometimes the whole appearance of their work. So, instead of supporting your artistry, they end up becoming a menace to it. 

Hence, the importance of switching to nice, unique, and quality writing utensils.

This article covers and gives more elucidation as to what writing utensils really are, a succinct record of such inventions in human history, what did the first writing utensil looks like?, the types of writing utensils, and the best available writing utensils that you can purchase when shopping on budget.

What Are Writing Utensils?

Writing utensils are writing tools or objects that are used for writing. These writing utensils can be used to produce different figures, shapes, lines, or forms by creating smooth, controllable lines. They can be adapted to different uses. Other functions of these writing tools are drawing and painting.

Other names for writing utensils are writing instruments, writing tools, or writing implements.

Undoubtedly, writing and writing utensils are one of the greatest inventions of man. Through this genius, history and discoveries have been recorded and maintained for subsequent generations. In this vein, let's consider a short history of writing utensils. 

History of Writing Utensils

The evolution of writing utensils started thousands of years ago as humans began to inscribe symbols that were carved into clay or bones. However, writing at this stage was considered proto-writing by archaeologists because it merely communicated symbols rather than language.


As writing developed, so did writing utensils and techniques. Subsequently, Scribes of Ancient Egypt used reed pens made from a single reed straw, cut and shaped into a point. Subsequently, the reed pens were replaced with quills and lasted until the first pen with metal nibs appeared during the 19th century. Following that, pens of different forms were patented and invented.

What Did The First Writing Utensils Look Like?

The first writing utensils can be traced back to the ancient Sumerians and Babylonians. They used a triangular stylus to write on soft clay tablets. The Romans also used stylus to write on wax tablets.
Ancient Roman stylus

Stylus have pointed mouths that are used for writing and marking. They were also used as a tool for writing on parchment or papyrus. Below is a picture of Stylus as the first writing utensil.
They were generally made of metal or bone.

In recent times, a stylus is a pen-shaped device that is used to input markings, lines, drawings, or notes into screen-touch computers, tablets, or smartphones.

What Is A Writing Utensil With A Nib?

Basically, every writing utensil is presumed to have a nib. A nib is the part of a quill, dip pen, fountain pen, ballpoint pen, or stylus that momentarily comes into contact with the writing surface in order to deposit ink.

It is a hollow natural material that could retain a small reservoir of ink through capillary action. These nibs are small and, as a result, require the pen to be periodically dipped back into an external inkwell for replenishment. Nibs, however, vary in respect to their purposes, sizes, and shapes.

Types of Writing Utensils

There are different types of writing utensils that are currently used in the modern world. These types of writing utensils can, however, be classified into two categories:
  1. Autonomous writing utensils
  2. Assisted writing utensils

1. Autonomous Writing Utensils

Autonomous writing utensils are writing tools that cannot "run out" unless they are destroyed or rendered useless. They do not require exterior ink or pigment to function. There are also two types of autonomous writing utensils:

  • Autonomous writing utensils without pigment
The oldest known examples of autonomous writing utensils were created by incising a flat surface with a rigid tool rather than applying pigment with a secondary object. For instance, Babylonians' cuneiform writing by pressing a triangular stylus into soft clay tablets and Chinese's carving on turtle shells.

They are:
  • Styli
  • Carving tools
  • Digital stylus pen.

  • Autonomous writing utensils with a pigment.
They are also described as inkless pens. They are:
  • Pencils
  • Chalk
  • Crayons
  • Wax pencils

2. Assisted Writing Utensils

Assisted writing utensils are those that require added pigment in order to write and are basically useless when they are "empty." They are:

  • Pens

The pen is considered the most common form of writing utensils or implement. It has a hard tip called a nip, which applies ink to a surface. Examples of pens are:

  • Reed pens
  • Quill pens
  • Dip pens
  • Fountain pens
  • Disposable pens, such as ballpoint pens, are otherwise called biro.

  • Mechanical Pencils

Mechanical pencils feed a small, mobile piece of graphite through their tip. This is modeled in such a way that although the graphite remains steady while writing, it can still be advanced forward in order to compensate for gradual wear.

  • Brushes

Brushes are limited in use but are still adopted by some civilizations, such as the Chinese.

The Best Available Writing Utensils to Buy

Selecting the right writing utensils is akin to empowering one's productivity and artistry as far as writing is concerned. Below are some of the best writing utensils you can buy, even when you're running on budget. We succinctly share some of the benefits that can be gained from purchasing each set of writing utensils.

1. The Fountain Pens

Fountain pens are one of the quality pens that can aid your calligraphy skills and outputs. Aside from their aesthetic appeals, they equally offer a fluid, seamless writing experience. There's also precision while adapting to the user's hand movements.

Hence, fountain pens are the best pick if you seek to elevate your work of art.

2. Rollerball and Ballpoint Pens

Having a ballpoint also brings about fluidity and convenience. It has a consistent ink flow that allows it to smoothly glide across the writing paper. It is a go-to choice for those seeking a writing tool that marries style with practicality.

They also afford versatility in terms of jotting down notes quickly. It's undoubtedly a dependable companion that ensures adaptability.

3. Mechanical Pencil

There are a number of advantages that mechanical pencils provide for their users. They allay the need to consistently sharpen the pencil. It provides a clean, sharp line every time.

Also, instead of purchasing a new pencil, you can easily refill them. Hence, they are economically friendly.

4. Graphite Pencils

Graphite pencils are basically the major writing utensils for artists. They are used for drawing, and they serve as the best medium to express their creativity. They are used for sketching and shading. Depending on the grade and shade, they can be used to make delicate lines and bold strokes.

As a result, they proffer the solution of versatility in terms of shading and sketching.

5. Gel Pens

Gel pens are another writing utensil to consider. They bring a splash of color to your writing and offer a smooth, fluid experience. They are of different visually pleasing, vibrant colors. The gel ink also glides effortlessly and leaves behind a crisp and vivid trail on the page.

6. Stylus Pens

Stylus pens are important tools for both writers and artists to use on devices such as computers and tablets. It affords ease and the ability to draw, sketch, draw lines, and perform many other functions.

What is the Correct Writing Utensils for Sketching?

The most often used writing utensils for sketching by artists are pencils and pens. They are used because they offer precision and linework, which includes sketching, cartooning, calligraphy, and many more.


Writing utensils are writers and artists' magic for telling stories. Their versatility and multiple functions make them indispensable to use. They are basically extensions of expression. Thus, making the right choice as to which writing utensils you use might be equivalent to the output of your work.



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Pawners Paper: Writing Utensils | Meaning, History, Types and Best Writing Utensils To Buy
Writing Utensils | Meaning, History, Types and Best Writing Utensils To Buy
Writing utensils are one of the necessary stationery equipments that are often times worth spending on by writers, artists, and other creatives
Pawners Paper
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