--> In The Breeze | Obongofon U. Etuk | Poetry | Pawners Paper

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In The Breeze | Obongofon U. Etuk | Poetry

The poem, "In the Breeze" elegantly traverse the theme of exquisite love, a delicate feeling that is woven between two souls who ultimately succumbed.

Boy and girl dancing on a beach

The poem, "In the Breeze" elegantly traverse the theme of exquisite love, a delicate feeling that is woven between two souls who ultimately succumbed to the dissolution of their affection. The lines effuse with a poignant nostalgia, but later derailed into a twist of fate, that further enthuse the readers. 

In its artistry, the poet mirrors the complexities of love through the subtle reminisce of shared moments.

In The Breeze

It doth strike the hour of six!
The sun, in sloth, retires.
Dost thou feel the breeze?
When she doth wander, atop palm fronds.

Or whilst caressing the itchy leaves of cedars,
I count myself blessed, I count myself indeed graced,
to perceive its weighty breath, embodied in this breeze.
I close mine eyes and permit her to recount to me:

Once she traversed this path, when I was young,
A lad untamed, by raindrops kissed and blessed.
In laughter's chorus, with friends among,
We reveled in the treasures youth possessed.

They cried, "Oh! beauty!" in fervent delight,
Their voices joined, a chorus pure and free.
I nod to that remembrance, day or night,
And let it pass, like waves upon the sea.

Once she traversed this path, love's fire aglow,
Yet unrequited, for society's decree.
I cherish that remembrance, as winds do blow,
And let it pass, like ripples on the sea.

Once she traversed this path, a company of old,
With mirth and jest, we shared the moonlit hour.
We dared to dream, our hearts uncontrolled,
But the moon played tricks, and mischief did devour.

I nod to that remembrance, bitter yet true,
And let it pass, like shadows in the night.
For time hath changed, and friendships grew askew,
Yet winds of nostalgia bring a bittersweet delight.


Obongofon U. Etuk is a 24-year-old Nigerian student studying Pharmacy at the University of Uyo, Nigeria. When not immersed in academia, he finds solace in the world of literature, indulging in novels and poems. A passionate gamer, he also cheers fervently for his favorite football club – FC Barcelona. He draws great inspiration from the works of Williams Shakespeare.

Obongofon's poetic prowess has earned him recognition, with his works "HOPE" featured in the June 2021 issue of Writer Space Africa (WSA) magazine, "WRITE ME A POEM" in the Sep 2020 issue of the IPSF AfRO Corner e-magazine publication, "LONE" on Brittle Paper and "MAN OF DREAMS" on Afrihill Press.

His social media handles are: Ob'ofon Jnr on Facebook and Bard Of Uyo on Twitter/X.

photo credit: Rovshan Nazirli



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Pawners Paper: In The Breeze | Obongofon U. Etuk | Poetry
In The Breeze | Obongofon U. Etuk | Poetry
The poem, "In the Breeze" elegantly traverse the theme of exquisite love, a delicate feeling that is woven between two souls who ultimately succumbed.
Pawners Paper
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