The Mole People", reflects on the penurious state of living experienced in the mega cities, destitution drives people to seek shelter in sewers.
"The Mole People", reflects on the penurious state of living experienced in the mega cities, destitution drives people to seek shelter in sewers, abandoning the illusory allure of the poetic American dream. It evokes emotion and painted a vivid picture of the daily struggles.
The Mole People
Living in disused sewers
Because rents in this city of gold
Are higher than many can afford
These people that worked in jobs,
went to college, lived the American dream
Are now kicked to the sidelines by
Uncle Sam and his team of investors
Trying to survive the summers and winters
As they dive in dumpsters for food
Using their day to collect necessities
To bring back to their humble abode
If it weren't for those holes
These people would be on the open streets
Dying from exposure and violence
These unfortunate souls that we call "The Moles".
About The Poet
K.G. Munro is an author and poet from Scotland. Here are a few of her writing credits: Indian Periodical, Poetry Potion, Splendeur Magazine, AThinSliceofAnxiety, Spillwords, Feversofthemind, Friday Flash Fiction, and The Poet Magazine.