--> Maroko Literary Journal, Issue II | Literary Magazine | Deadline: August 21 | Pawners Paper

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Maroko Literary Journal, Issue II | Literary Magazine | Deadline: August 21

Márọkọ, an annual print and digital journal published by the Lagos International Poetry Festival, is now receiving submissions for its second issue.

Submit To Márọkọ Literary Journal, Issue II: Call for Submissions

Maroko Literary Journal

Márọkọ, an annual print and digital journal published by the Lagos International Poetry Festival, is now receiving submissions for its second issue. Interested writers are required to submit their works in the different categories as provided for in the submission guidelines.

Accepted submission are paid. The title for the issue is 'HERE AND NOW'

About Maroko Literary Journal

The journal, Maroko, is names after the thriving migrant community east of the Lagos Lagoon who were violently evicted in the early 90s to make way for one of the most expensive real estate strips in the world, a garish urban sprawl built on the debris of over 300,000 scattered dreams, Márọkọ́ draws its ethos from the unbowed spirits that relentlessly confront the reckless possibilities of Lagos. 

It renders the rough hewn beauties and joys that connect pan-African and pan-diasporic experiences, in poetry, prose, visual art, and photography, tracing a contemporary canon across the contours of contemporary black urban life. 

About Maroko Issue II 

This year’s issue is produced in partnership with the British Council’s International Collaboration programme, a transatlantic and collaborative residency taking place in Scotland and Ghana, and will feature, alongside accepted submissions, poems and essays from its six resident poets. 

According to Maroko,

"We are currently seeking poems, essays, and photography on the theme, Here and Now, which finds its roots in the shared global apprehension following the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. The echoes of lockdowns, deaths, the reshaping of economic landscapes, and the resonating cries for justice, from America to Lagos, form the backdrop of our post-covid era. We realize that we are still in the process of healing, of understanding the depth and breadth of these seismic shifts.

We envision this edition as an international mosaic of voices, writers acting as witnesses to these transforming times. We invite submissions that reflect, protest, investigate, and articulate the personal impacts of these transformations, narratives of change, adaptation, and survival - the currents that have shaped our shared 'Here and Now'.

The broadness and indefinable nature of our theme is purposeful. We want to steer clear of any formal or linguistic constraints, instead encouraging creativity to bloom unfettered. Your response could take myriad forms, and we wholeheartedly welcome this diversity, for it is this very expansiveness that encapsulates the spirit of our times.

Submission Guideline

Submissions must be original and previously unpublished. We, however, welcome simultaneous submissions, only make sure to inform us if the submitted work has been accepted somewhere else. 

Submissions are open from July 1st - August 21st 2023 across the following genres.

There is no submission fee required. Márọkọ will offer payment for selected submissions. 

All submissions should be sent to submissions@marokomag.com. Enquiries will be received at submissions@marokomag.com with the email subject titled Enquiry 

The journal will be launched on October 29, 2023 at the Lagos International Poetry Festival.


  • Minimum of three (3) poems and Maximum of five (5). 
  • Poems should speak to the theme "Hear and Now," however loosely.
  • No specific line length required, and poems are welcome across forms.
  • Poems must be submitted as a single document in 12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced.
  • Submit as a Word Document to submissions@marokomag.com with the genre as email subject. 
  • Submissions should include a short bio of no more than 150 words. 


  • Reviews must be on a collection of poetry, an anthology, a spoken word poetry album, a work of performance or a biography, autobiography, memoir or collection of essays with a poet or poetry as the subject. 
  • Reviews must be no more than 2,500 words and submitted as a single document in 12-point Times New Roman, double spaced.
  • Submit as a Word Document to submissions@marokomag.com with the genre as email subject. 
  • Submissions should include a short bio of no more than 150 words. 


  • We are eager to receive profiles on poets and/or individuals or collectives with a cultural shaping influence on the genre. 
  • Profiles must be no more than 2,500 words and submitted as a single document in 12-point Times New Roman, double spaced.
  • Submit as a Word Document to submissions@marokomag.com with the genre as email subject. 
  • Submissions should include a short bio of no more than 150 words. 

Personal Essay

  • We are seeking themed personal essays, essays on craft, reflections, and short memoirs, particularly from poets.  
  • Essays must be no more than 2,500 words and submitted as a single document in 12-point Times New Roman, double spaced.
  • Submit as a Word Document to submissions@marokomag.com with the genre as email subject. 
  • Submissions should include a short bio of no more than 150 words. 

Visual Art/Photography 

We are keen on works that reflect and capture the theme "Here and Now".

A minimum of three (3) Artworks and Images should be sent in high resolution accompanied by a short statement on the work of no more than 500 words.   



  • $50 for a selection of three (3) poems and $30 for a single poem
  • $65 for a book review
  • $65 for a profile
  • $65 for a personal essay 
  • $60 for visual art/photography 

The journal will be launched on October 29th at the Lagos International Poetry Festival 2023. 



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A,1,African,65,Annual Writing Contest,16,Art and Photography,1,Articles,192,Book Reviews,10,Call for Submission,101,Contest,491,Education,22,Essay Contests,65,Featured Profile,2,Fiction,15,Flash Fiction,5,Freelancing,6,HAIKU,3,Interview,10,Listing,2,Literary Events,7,Literary Magazines,121,Literary News,92,Literature,14,MUSE,4,News,52,Newsletter,1,Non-Fiction,4,Opportunities,158,Photography,12,Poetry,97,Popular Authors Biographies,7,Publishers weekly,2,Romance,12,Shop Here,4,SHORT STORIES,17,
Pawners Paper: Maroko Literary Journal, Issue II | Literary Magazine | Deadline: August 21
Maroko Literary Journal, Issue II | Literary Magazine | Deadline: August 21
Márọkọ, an annual print and digital journal published by the Lagos International Poetry Festival, is now receiving submissions for its second issue.
Pawners Paper
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