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Thin Air Magazine Submissions

Thin Air Magazine wants writers who are conscious of their position relative to land and to beings - human and otherwise.

Thin air magazine

Thin Air Magazine is now accepting submissions for our 29th issue:

home·​land | \ ˈhōm-ˌland  also -lənd \

What defines a ‘homeland’? For this issue, we want work that explores the complex and malleable nature of homes, lands, and all that they encompass. Thin Air is accepting submissions in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, but we also seek work that defies genre categorization and embraces hybridity. We invite pieces that subvert Western understandings of time and space, as well as writing that explores (de)colonization, displacement, and the complications of belonging.

Our Thin Air team wants writers who are conscious of their position relative to land and to beings - human and otherwise. We encourage submissions from those who are concerned with borders–or lack thereof–and the interconnection of ecologies. In our upcoming issue, we hope to create a space for those who are unafraid to engage with and push back against the typical definition of what constitutes a ‘homeland’.

**A note: For those who have already submitted their work or feel called to write outside of this theme, please know that we will still fully review and carefully consider your pieces for print in our 29th issue!

Our print issue–published annually each spring–will accept submissions until this fall deadline, but our website, Thin Air Online, accepts and publishes work year round.

Thin Air Magazine Submissions Guidelines

Please review our general and genre-specific guidelines below:

We only consider unpublished work. Please do not submit material previously published in anthologies, chapbooks, online, or on personal websites (including FB, Twitter, Insta, Flickr, blogs, etc.) 

We accept simultaneous submissions. If any part of your submission is selected for publication elsewhere, please notify us immediately using Submittable.

In an effort to encourage submissions from both established and emerging writers with diverse voices, Thin Air reads all submissions blind. Do not include any identifying information within your submission.

For a better idea of our editorial focus, we encourage submitting authors to read past issues of Thin Air. You may purchase a past issue from us for $8 (which includes shipping in the US).

Thin Air does not accept work from anyone affiliated with Northern Arizona University within the last 7 years.

Thin Air in print aims to respond to your submission within 3-5 months. If you submit March-August, know that we likely won’t be able to respond until September when school is back in session. We appreciate your patience! The Thin Air staff is a volunteer-graduate-student-run magazine and we strive to read every submission carefully before making a decision.

 Thin Air Online accepts submissions on a rolling basis year round and aims to respond to your submission within 3-5 months. Although we have distinct genre editors for our print magazine (fiction, nonfiction, and poetry), our MFA program is multi-genre and interdisciplinary, so we are excited to receive hybrid work in any form. Thin Air Online accepts hybrid work as well.

Formatting Specifications: 

Please use Times New Roman, 12pt., double-spaced, 1 inch margins for all submissions except poetry, which should remain single-spaced.

INCLUDE page numbers and a word count at the top of your manuscript. DO 

NOT INCLUDE your name/identifiers in your manuscript. 

If the unique format of your submission is critical to the piece, please feel free to keep your unique formatting.  

Note that we may have to alter format for printing due to physical restraints and requirements.  Visual Art and Thin Air Online have their own formatting specifications listed on their submission pages.  

Thank you for submitting!



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Pawners Paper: Thin Air Magazine Submissions
Thin Air Magazine Submissions
Thin Air Magazine wants writers who are conscious of their position relative to land and to beings - human and otherwise.
Pawners Paper
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