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How To Make Payment On AliExpress From Nigeria in 2025

Learn how to make payment on AliExpress from Nigeria. How to pay on Aliexpress from Nigeria. how to order on AliExpress without card and dollar rate

How To Make Payment On AliExpress From Nigeria in 2025

How to make payment on Aliexpress 2025

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How To Pay On AliexpressAliexpress is an online marketplace like eBay and Amazon, created purposely for much easier connection and interaction between the buyers and sellers.

 On AliExpress.com, which is their official website address, sellers can easily put their products on sale from buyers to buy, irrespective of the locations with regular buyers protection ensured.

It is a well known fact that products on Aliexpress are much more cheaper and affordable for the buyers. Irrespective of what you want to buy, ranging from accessories and phones on Aliexpress, clothes and wears, shoes by different brands, home appliances and many more. This is one of the reasons many people troop to the online marketplace to purchase their needs.

Hence, if you're buying some products on AliExpress, it's essential to get familiar with the AliExpress platform, the payment method and how to make payment on AliExpress from Nigeria. This is very essential! Imagine wanting to get a particular sleek sneakers, you selected the products and unfortunately you got stuck mid-way due to your inability to process the payment— That can be very frustrating!

However, with the following guides, you will learn how to make payment for any products on Aliexpress.

The guide on how to make payment on AliExpress from Nigeria is simple, easy to follow and adopt. Also, there are some Frequently asked questions below the post that will serve as extra guides and answers to questions you might have after going through this blogpost.

AliExpress 2025

Payment On AliExpress From Nigeria

Generally, payment on AliExpress is secured. Hence, your account's personal details are guaranteed to be safe. 

There are different payment methods that are made available for users who intend to purchase from Aliexpress. The AliExpress payment methods to choose from depends on your preference and the one you considered most easy payment method. However, this is not applicable to all products listed on Aliexpress. Some selected goods are restricted to some particular payment methods. 

Basically, you can use credit card to pay on Aliexpress from Nigeria without exposing any confidential details. They are protected by VeriSign SSL encryption which is considered the most secured in the world.

To pay on Aliexpress from Nigeria, Select Payment Method, Add your debit card details. Preferably a Visa or MasterCard, Click done and AliExpress will process your payment. 

More information on this is provided in other section of the article.

What Currency Can I Use To Make Payment On AliExpress?

Normally, product listed for sale on AliExpress are purchased using the US dollar currency. However, with the space for enough flexibility allowed, people can easily buy product and make payment on AliExpress from Nigeria using the AliExpress local currency payment method. 

This method allows buyers to buy using their local currency. Hence, you can make payment on AliExpress from Nigeria using the Naira currency. However, you will debited based on your bank's dollar exchange rate.

AliExpress Exchange Dollar Rate To Naira

The dollar to naira exchange rate on aliexpress mostly differs depending on the bank's exchange rate. Presently, GT bank and Access Bank charge nothing more than 900 naira per dollar as their AliExpress Dollar rate.

Note, the dollar to naira exchange rate only applies to when making payment on Aliexpress. The original exchange rate differs.

AliExpress Payment Methods In Nigeria

The following are payment methods available for buyers while making purchases on AliExpress:
  • Using credit card or debit card to make purchase
  • Using back transfer to make purchase
 Although, there may be situations where a particular payment methods may not be available.

How To Make Payment On AliExpress From Nigeria Using Card

Payment on Aliexpress can be made using either credit card or debit card. Hence, in Nigeria, you can make payment using your Visa card or MasterCard. It's advised to use MasterCard. Often times, they don't approve payment made with a Visa card.

Most especially, if you are in Nigeria, it is only Visa or MasterCard you can use to make payment on AliExpress. Using your Naira MasterCard or Visa to make payment for goods bought on AliExpress is the most convenient way to make payment without any trouble on AliExpress.

To make payment, after placing your order, select pay with card. Immediately, you will be directed to a page where you will insert your card details. There, you will be able to choose card as your preferred payment method. Then input the card details as provided.

Then click on "Pay Now"

You can then follow all the necessary on-screen instructions. Enter the following details in the provided space.

  1. Naira Visa or MasterCard Card Number
  2. Expiration Date as provided on your Naira Visa or MasterCard.
  3. Security Code: The security code is the 3-digit number stated at the back if your card.
  4. Cardholder Name: This is the name on your ATM card. This should be provided as stated on your card.

After entering the details, then click on "Pay My Order"

If the details your inserted are correct, your payment will be approved immediately after inputing the OTP code sent to the account's registered phone number.  

After this, your money will be secured in the Aliexpress Escrow. This is to ensure safe delivery before releasing the money to the seller.

AliExpress how to buy product 2025

How To Make Payment On AliExpress From Nigeria Using Bank Transfer

On the checkout page, select Bank Transfer as your payment method.

In the Bank Transfer Information section, you will see the account information you need to transfer your payment.

Please print out the section containing your Bank Transfer Information.

Go to your local bank to transfer your payment. Bring the printed Bank Transfer Information and show it to the bank officer before making your payment. Once complete, your payment will be held securely in an account.

If the status of your order has not changed to “buyer has paid the order ” 7 business days after you’ve paid, please contact AliExpress.

When using bank transfers, please transfer enough money to cover all banks` service fee.

 This will ensure that the supplier receives your full payment and will help you avoid monetary loss caused by refunds or disputes.

Note: Please do not make bank transfer or payment directly to suppliers account. Only transactions and payment made on/to AliExpress are eligible for Buyer Protection.

Another available payment method is PayPal. This is only available for selected goods.

Why Can't I Pay With My Card On Aliexpress in Nigeria?

Payment on Aliexpress can be quite frustrating at times. Noteworthy, this is not a problem from Aliexpress or their respective payment methods, instead, it's a problem from your bank.

Early this year, all banking institutions in Nigeria were directed to only allow international transactions or payments not more than $20. Hence, you won't be able to make purchase for goods above $20 if you are purchasing from Nigeria, using the Naira Visa or MasterCard.

Your spending limit for online transactions in a single month is basically $20. Unfortunately, this has hampered the payment for most products and purchases by Nigerians on e-commerce sites, including AliExpress.

How To Buy From Aliexpress Without Credit Card or Debit Card (Naira)

As stated earlier, there is already a spending limit of $20 per month. With this in place, any purchase above the amount won't be successful. You will often get responses that directs you to reach out to you bank in respect of the payment.

Thus, to buy from Aliexpress without using the Naira credit card or debit card and to escape the spending limit is to apply for a domiciliary account in your respective banks or apply for a virtual dollar card.

AliExpress buy product 2025

Other FAQs About AliExpress Payment Methods

1. why do I get this message whenever I tried to make payment: "you have reached the spending limit on your card AliExpress"

The only possible reason for such responses is the international transaction limit placed by the CBN. You get those responses when you have exceeded the $20 spending limit in a month.

As a result, you won't be able to make any international transaction or purchases using the same account or cards.

The best solution in this circumstance is to use another account or credit card to make purchase.

2. Can I pay with naira on AliExpress?

Yes, if you'll be making payment using your naira account but your order will still be processed based on the bank's dollar exchange rate per 1 dollar.

3. How to bypass $20/$100 limit for AliExpress shopping?

There are some legal steps you can take to bypass the spending limit for AliExpress shopping. You can either create a chipper virtual dollar card, UBA dollar prepaid card or create a domiciliary account in any Nigerian banks of your choice.

After doing any of the aforementioned, you will be able to make buy or spend more than $100 on AliExpress. In fact, for domiciliary account, you can spends as much as $1000 in a month.

4. What cards does AliExpress accept?

AliExpress accepts Visa, MasterCards, JCB and American Express. In most cases, visa cards may not work for Nigerians who want to make payment on AliExpress. Once you experience difficulty as a result, you should resort to using MasterCard instead.

5. Best way to pay on AliExpress

From my experience, the best way to make payment on AliExpress is by using cards, either credit or debit.

6. Does AliExpress accept visa cards?

Yes. However, you should resort to MasterCard if you're experiencing difficulty in making the payment.

7. Why is AliExpress declining my card?

AliExpress may decline your card for one of the following reasons

a. You have exceeded the spending limit for a month.
b. If you're using visa card, your card may not be accepted.
c. You don't have enough money on your account to make the purchase.

Another reason for card decline is as a result of inputing incorrect card information. To resolve this, you should double check if you have input correct information of card for payment. If you got error after double checking, please pay through another card/method instead.

Also, due to security reason, card verification(appeal) is required. Click "Claim on Alipay" button or click to submit document directly.

8. Can I pay with verve card on AliExpress?

AliExpress does not accept verve cards for payment neither is it included as one of the cards that are usable on the site.

9. Is AliExpress Safe to use credit card and debit card?

Of course, AliExpress takes a seat amongst the safest e-commerce payment sites you can think of. Hence, you credit cards and debit cards are safe and secured even if you decide to safe it on your account.

10. Does chipper cash work in AliExpress?

 Yes, it does. The Chipper cadh USD virtual card is available for international transactions on platforms such as Netflix, Apple, Spotify, Google, Ali Express, Alibaba, Amazon, Fashion Nova, Shein, etc.

11. Does AliExpress accept virtual cards?

Yes, aside the fact that AliExpress supports Visa debit/credit cards, MasterCard credit cards, and Maestro and American Express debit cards, you can also use prepaid and virtual cards, which have the great advantage of being more secure, since they only allow you to spend the amount you have deposited on them previously.

12. Which Nigerian card works with AliExpress?

The following Nigerian bank card works on AliExpress:

 Access Bank VISA card, First Bank debit card, Diamond Bank debit card, WEMA Bank debit card, FCMB debit card, and UBA debit card.

13. Can I use Kuda virtual card on AliExpress?

No. The virtual card is not allowed for international transaction.

14. Does ALAT virtual card work on AliExpress?

Although I haven't tried it myself, but the information gotten online states that ALAT Virtual cards can be used to shop online, pay for bills, pay for subscriptions like Netflix, Spotify, Apple Music, DSTV/GOTV, and AliExpress inclusive.

15. Does AliExpress accept PayPal?

Yes. AliExpress accept PayPal for payment but it's restricted to some countries.

16. Does AliExpress accept naira card

AliExpress does accept naira card. However, it is always advisable to make use of a virtual dollar card or domiciliary account card. This is because there is a limited amount of goods you can order.


Aliexpress is most people's favourite online marketplace to purchase products. The added advantage is their secured payment platform that is made to the satisfaction and security of their users.



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Pawners Paper: How To Make Payment On AliExpress From Nigeria in 2025
How To Make Payment On AliExpress From Nigeria in 2025
Learn how to make payment on AliExpress from Nigeria. How to pay on Aliexpress from Nigeria. how to order on AliExpress without card and dollar rate
Pawners Paper
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