--> census data (the final report as published by the census bureau) is an example of? | Pawners Paper

census data (the final report as published by the census bureau) is an example of?

The meaning of census Data? The functions of census data. census data (the final report as published by the census bureau) is an example of?

Census Data is an example of

In respect of the question as to what example of data is census data and some notable things that are related to census data as one of the example of data collection, this article will clearly explain.

First, let's consider the meaning of census data and its usage.

Definition Of Census Data

Census data is the primary data or source used by planners to understand the social, economic, and demographic conditions locally and nationally within and outside the country.

 Census Data can also be defined as the methodical collection information about a particular topic in a specific period.of time.

Census data can help planners and others understand the social, economic, and demographic conditions in their communities.

Census Data Is An Example Of?

 For census data, just like the final report as published by the census bureau is an example of primary data because it is methodical process of collection information on a certain topic.

There are basically two types of data. They are primary and secondary data. As for the former type of data, census Data is an example of primary data.

Examples Of Census Data

Some of the examples of census data is the population census, list of reddit comments on a topic from 2008 till the present moment or an AirBnB Neighborhood list in Antwerp. Another example of census Data is doing a survey of travel time by asking everyone at school is a census of the school.

How To Access Census Data

Census Data can be accessed on any of the following pages:

  1. Datahub
  2. World Bank Open Data
  3. World Resources Institute
  4. UN data
  5. United States Census Bureau
  6. Data.gov.uk
  7. Google Dataset
  8. Reddit Comments Dataset
  9. Airbnb Listings Data
  10. Yelp Dataset

Difference Between Primary Data And Secondary Data

Unlike primary data, secondary data specifically refers to data that is collected by someone other than the primary user. They are not first hand sources. 

The difference between primary data and secondary data can be simply explained with an example on each type. As for primary data, another example of it is the national population census Data collected by the government.

 On the other hand, secondary data could be collected from an online source could be the primary data collected by another researcher



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Pawners Paper: census data (the final report as published by the census bureau) is an example of?
census data (the final report as published by the census bureau) is an example of?
The meaning of census Data? The functions of census data. census data (the final report as published by the census bureau) is an example of?
Pawners Paper
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