--> Writing Contests Canada 2022 | Pawners Paper

Writing Contests Canada 2022

2022 Writing Competitions Canada 2022 comprises writing competitions are ongoing and available to writers writers that are residents of Canada 2022

List Of Writing Contests Canada 2022

Writing Contests Canada 2022 comprises a list of writing competitions that are currently ongoing, or will be available to those writers that are residents of Canada in 2022. The list, writing Competitions Canada 2022, is going to feature a lot of writing competitions in many genres such as:

  • Fiction Competitions 
  • Drama Competitions 
  • Essay Competition 
  • Poetry Competitions 
  • Prose, Flash Fiction among many others in 2022.

Benefits Of Entering Into Any Of The Writing Competitions Canada 2022

Entering into any of the writing competitions will definitely guarantee you one or more of the following if your work gets selected.
  • Cash prizes
  • You stand a chance to have your work published.
  • Mentorship.
  • Recognition in literary events among many others.

Hence, before we proceed to the full list of the writing Competitions Canada 2022, it'll be of greater consideration on our part to share some tips to expect while entering some of these writing Competitions. 

Writing Competitions are some of the most prevalent opportunities available to writers to advance their writing career, have their works and names spread out to the world and have them accessed. In short, it's a confidence booster and career maintainer.

To enter one of these writing Competitions Canada 2022, make sure you do the following:

  • Check the eligibility requirements for these Competitions. Some of them are restricted in respect of age, education qualification etc.
  • Check the genres of work that you're required to submit. Be it Prose, Fiction, Poetry, be sure to identify it before submitting to any of the writing Competitions.
  • Read the submission guidelines before proceeding to submit. Submissions Guidelines is always of necessity and that which an applicant should consider while entering a writing Competition. Failure to adhere to it might lead to the rejection of your work.
  • In respect of the aforementioned, always check the word count!
  • Also, check the deadline. Avoid submitting to a writing Competitions Canada 2022 that is already closed. Always ensure you submit before the deadline.
  • Find a place to write the dates for the announcement of shortlisted names for the contest in order to get duly informed as the Competitions proceeds.

Having sensitized you on the above, do well to enjoy the list.

Writing Competitions Canada 2022


March Writing Competitions Canada 2022

  • Jack London Young Writers Contest for 6th-8th graders

Time to get creative and write your fictional short story for this year’s contest!

For 2022 we are choosing a positive focus and envisioning brighter days ahead for everyone. To support this, the theme of the contest is “Building Brighter Communities.” 

Famous author and adventurer Jack London decided to try his hand at farming and purchased rural land on Sonoma Mountain. But having a quiet farm up a mountain slope wasn’t enough for him, he needed it to be a place of progressive change where he could model “green” farming techniques and create his version of a cooperative community where all residents would have fair working conditions and a great quality of life. This was his “Ranch of Good Intentions.”

Your challenge is to write a fictional story where your character(s) create and dwell in a community of their own invention that is unique, different, emerging, or overcomes something challenging. 

Be creative in describing how your community works while still telling us an entertaining story. We want to see what a “brighter community” looks like through your eyes!   Click here for rules and entry form

Our judges are all volunteers and not employed by our organization. They read all the stories “blind,” never knowing the names or locations of the authors. Hard Deadline for submissions is March 31st, 2022.

 April Writing Competitions Canada 2022

  • Writers Of The Future Contest 2022

PRIZES EACH QUARTER: $1,000, $750, $500





No entry fee is required, and all rights in the story remain the property of the author. All types of science fiction, fantasy, and dark fantasy are welcome.

By submitting to the Contest, the entrant agrees to abide by all Contest rules.

All entries must be original works by the entrant, in English. Plagiarism, which includes the use of third-party poetry, song lyrics, characters, or another person’s universe, without written permission, will result in disqualification. Excessive violence or sex, determined by the judges, will result in disqualification. 

Entries may not have been previously published in professional media. The Contest has four quarters, beginning on October 1, January 1, April 1, and July 1. The year will end on September 30. 

  • Jacklyn Potter Young Poets Competition

The Jacklyn Potter Young Poets Competition provides an annual opportunity for two high school students to read their original work with an established poet in the Joaquin Miller Poetry Series (June and July). 

The winners are selected by an independent judge. The Word Works expects young poets to be accompanied by an adult family member.

  • The Ann Whitford Paul – Writer’s Digest Manuscript Award 2022

The Ann Whitford Paul – Writer’s Digest Manuscript Award is an annual award given to a Most Promising Picture Book manuscript.

Winners will be selected in two categories: Fiction and Nonfiction. The two winners will each receive a $1000 grant to encourage the development of an excellent picture book manuscript.  


Submissions open February 1, 2022. Deadline is April 10, 2022.

May Writing Competitions Canada 2022

  • Waterston Desert Writing Prize
The mission of the Waterston Desert Writing Prize is to strengthen and support the literary arts and humanities in the High Desert region through recognition of literary excellence in nonfiction writing about desert landscapes, through community interaction with the winning authors of the annual prize, and presentations and programs that take place in association with the Prize.

The Prize honors literary nonfiction that illustrates artistic excellence, sensitivity to place and desert literacy with the desert as both subject and setting. Inspired by Ellen Waterston’s love of the High Desert of Central Oregon, a region that has been her muse for more than 30 years, the Prize recognizes the vital role deserts play worldwide in the ecosystem and human narrative.

The submission deadline is Sunday, May 1, 2022.

 The Prize winner will receive a $3,000 cash award, a residency at PLAYA at Summer Lake, Oregon and a reading and reception right here at the Museum

  • Puchi Award 2022: Rules and Requirements
From 15 March to 15 May

Puchi Award 2022

La Casa Encendida and Fulgencio Pimentel are pleased to present the sixth Puchi Award.

This competition is open to literary and graphic projects of any kind that stand out by virtue of their premise, literary and graphic quality, originality, unconventionality or mould-shattering conception.

The aim of this award is to shine a spotlight on works of the highest quality and originality.

The book can contain everything and anything, and that is precisely what this contest wants: 
fiction and non-fiction, essays, informative literature, poetry, illustration, comics, cookbooks,  geography books, combinations of the above or any other type of work. 

Conventional novels will not be considered and only novels that can be clearly defined as experimental will be accepted.

This competition is open to literary and graphic projects of any kind that stand out by virtue 
of their premise, literary and graphic quality, originality, unconventionality or mould -
shattering conception. 

The aim of this award is to shine a spotlight on works of the highest quality and originality.

All authors of legal age from Spain or any other country are eligible to submit one or more 
original, unpublished works.

Projects may be submitted between 15th March 2022 and 15th May 2022 at 2:00pm 
(GTM+1), both dates included. Submissions sent before or after this period will not be 

The winner will receive a cash prize of €8,000 (VAT and all other taxes included, as an advance on the rights of the published work) and have his/her work published and distributed by Fulgencio Pimentel.

June Writing Competitions Canada 2022

  • The Jane Austen Society Of North America Essay Contest
Jane Austen Society Of North America Essay Competition 2022

JASNA conducts an annual student Essay Contest to foster the study and appreciation of Jane Austen's works in new generations of readers.

Students world-wide are invited to compete for scholarship awards in three divisions: 

High School: students and home-schooled students enrolled at the high school level during the contest year

College/University: students enrolled in at least six credit hours of course work at a junior college, college, or university during the contest year

Graduate School: students enrolled during the contest year in at least three credit hours of graduate course work at a college or university leading to an advanced degree.

Membership in JASNA is not required to enter the contest.

The deadline for submissions is Thursday, June 2, 2022. Be sure to visit the Submissions page to review the contest rules and eligibility requirements before entering.

Essay Contest Awards
JASNA awards scholarships to winners in each of the three divisions: 

First Place:  $1,000 scholarship and free registration and two nights’ lodging for JASNA’s upcoming Annual General Meeting (Transportation to the conference is not provided.)

Second Place:  $500 scholarship

Third Place:  $250 scholarship 

Winners will each receive one year of memberships in JASNA and a set of Norton Critical Editions of Jane Austen's novels. The winning essays will also be published on this website.

  •  Bard Fiction Prize 2022
The creation of the Bard Fiction Prize, presented each October since 2001, continues Bard’s longstanding position as a center for creative, groundbreaking literary work by both faculty and students. From Saul Bellow, William Gaddis, Mary McCarthy, and Ralph Ellison to John Ashbery, Philip Roth, William Weaver, and Chinua Achebe, Bard’s literature faculty, past and present, represents some of the most important writers of our time.

 The prize is intended to encourage and support young writers of fiction, and provide them with an opportunity to work in a fertile intellectual environment.

 Last year’s Bard Fiction Prize was awarded to Akil Kumarasamy for her debut story collection, Half Gods (Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2018). Applications for the 2023 prize must be received by June 15, 2022.

  • Wells Festival Of Literature Open Poetry Competition

This year we welcome Tristram Fane Saunders to our 30th Anniversary Festival as judge in the Open Poetry Competition.

Tristram Fane Saunders is a journalist and commissioning editor at the Telegraph.  As their poetry critic he also runs ‘Poem of the Week’.

His own poems appear in Carcanet’s New Poetries VIII: An Anthology.  His current pamphlet is Woodsong and The Rake is forthcoming in May 2022. He has recently edited Edna St Vincent Millay: Poems and Satires.

We are delighted to announce that the 1st prize in our Open Poetry Competition will again this year be £1000! Second and third prizes will also remain at £500 and £250 respectively. Plus £100 for a local poet.

Our International Competitions will open on 1 April 2022, closing at midnight on 30 June 2022

  • Blue Mountain Arts Poetry Contest 2022

Blue Mountain Arts Poetry announced its fortieth biannual poetry competition. Follow the submission guidelines below to learn how to submit to them.

Deadline: June 30, 2022


1st prize: $350 

 2nd prize: $200 

3rd prize: $100

In addition, the winning poems will be displayed on our website.

July Writing Competitions Canada 2022

  • Button Poetry Poem Cover Contest 2022
The winner’s video along with multiple runners-up will be featured on the Button Poetry YouTube channel. The winner will receive admission to a calendar year of Button Poetry Workshops. 
Each workshop is $150 (total value of $900). That’s our biggest prize to date!

All entrants will receive 20% off any purchase from the Button Website.

Entry Fe

Entry to this contest is FREE (for the first 800 submitters).
Please, only one video per submission. Multiple submissions are welcome.

Timeline: We plan on announcing our selections on July 1st 2022, though this date is subject to change based on the number of submissions we receive.

  • HG Wells Short Story Competition 2022
The annual HG Wells Fiction Short Story Competition offers a £500 Senior and £1,000 Junior prize and free publication of all shortlisted entries in a quality, professionally published paperback anthology.

The 2022 H G Wells Short Story Competition will close on 11th July 2022 (at midnight, BST).

  • 1729 Book Prize In Prose 2022

The 1729 Book Prize in Prose, judged by Diane Zinna, is a new award offered by Mason Jar Press with support from The Ivy Bookshop. Mason Jar is a Baltimore-based, nationally- and internationally-focused independent press of accessible, experimental fiction. 

The Prize seeks challenging, engaging works of fiction and nonfiction, utilizing a patron-based economic model--funded by the Ivy Bookshop—that is free to all. The Ivy is always eager to celebrate and support book culture, and is excited to collaborate with a press that is local in its base, national in its reach, and expansive in its sensibility.

Submission Guidelines

We are open for submissions from April 15, 2022 until midnight (PST) July 15, 2022. We're open to most prose genres, though we tend to lean toward semi-experimental works with a strong literary bent. Hybrid works are welcome. While individual pieces may be published elsewhere, all manuscripts must be previously unpublished.


The winner will receive a $1,000 award, contributor copies, and quarterly profit-sharing. The contract will stipulate all further details.

  • UEA/Willowherb Speculative Nature Writing Call for Essay Proposals 2022
The Willowherb Review, in collaboration with the University of East Anglia, are offering a mentorship and publishing opportunity for three unpublished writers of colour in the field of nature writing. 

The authors selected will be supported with online meetings and editorial feedback over the second half of 2022 as they complete an innovative nature writing essay for publication.

 The finished essay will be illustrated and published as an attractive pamphlet by the UEA Publishing Project and launched at a symposium on ‘Decolonising Nature Writing’ in April 2023.

 Authors will receive a 30% share of royalties on the pamphlet and a fee of £150.

If you would like to apply for this opportunity, please send the following to thewillowherbreview@gmail.com with the subject heading ‘Speculative Nature Writing Application’:

·       a pitch for the nature writing essay idea (250 words) 

·       a short writing sample (500 words)

·       a short paragraph of biographical detail

Submissions open 15 June–15 July, 23.59 BST

  • The ArabLit Story Prize 2022

The ArabLit Story Prize is an award for the best short stories, in any genre, newly translated from Arabic into English. Translators must have secured rights to the work, and translations must have been previously unpublished.

Deadline: July 21, 2022

Stories will be judged primarily on the quality of the translated work as a thing-in-itself, although translators must also submit the Arabic original, as this must be a translation, not a loose adaptation nor a work written originally in English.

This year's three judges are Perween Richards, Yasmeen Hanoosh, Dena Afrasiabi

The prize: $500 to the winner, split between author and translator (except in cases where the work is in the public domain). Shortlisted stories will have the opportunity to be published in ArabLit Quarterly magazine as well as a future anthology

  • UNESCO International Essay Contest for Young People International Essay Competitions 2022

This annual essay contest is organized in an effort to harness the energy, creativity and initiative of the world's youth in promoting a culture of peace and sustainable development. It also aims to inspire society to learn from the young minds and to think about how each of us can make a difference in the world.

* This program is an activity within the framework of UNESCO’s Education for Sustainable Development: Towards achieving the SDGs (ESD for 2030).

“My Values”

Our values determine how we think and act, and they shape the society we live in. What are the values that you hold dear? How can you best live your life in line with those values, and in doing so, what kind of society do you hope to create?

Entries must be received by June 15, 2022 (23:59 your local time).


The following awards will be given in the Children’s category and Youth category respectively:

1st Prize: Certificate, prize of 100,000 Yen (approx. US$840 as of Feb. 2022) and gift ... 1 entrant

2nd Prize: Certificate, prize of 50,000 Yen (approx. US$420 as of Feb. 2022) and gift ... 3 entrants

3rd Prize: Certificate and gift ... 5 entrants
Honorable Mention: Certificate and gift ... 25 entrants

* 1st to 3rd prize winners will be invited to the Winners Gathering to be held online.

* Additional awards (Best School Award, School Incentive Award) will be given if applicable.

  • Green Stories Short Story Competition

Deadline 21st July 2022. £500 prize (or local currency equivalent)

Often when promoting waste reduction and reduction of high-energy activities, such as running hot water, we come up against health and safety issues. Some of these are valid, but many are misinformed.

This is a targeted competition aimed at using an engaging fictional story to help readers understand how over-cleaning and misinformation about bacteria can mean that we can end up killing our bodies ‘good’ bacteria through over-use of harsh cleaning products.

Your challenge is to write a short story (between 1000 and 3000 words) that helps to raise awareness and shift attitudes, especially for those people who assume that the more detergent the better.

We provide story briefs and ideas further down to inspire you.

Entry Fee: Free

Eligibility: Open to all – we encourage international writers. All submissions must be in English and unpublished.

Entries will be judged on the following criteria:

Well written, engaging story between 1000 and 3000 words.

Promotes eco-friendly cleaning practices (directly or indirectly) or addresses misinformation about bacteria and cleaning.

  • Foyle Young Poets Of The Year 2022

The Foyle Young Poets Of The Year Award 2022 is organized by the poetry society and it's currently open for submissions.

General Rules

You must be aged 11-17 on the closing date of the 31st July 2022 in order to enter. 
Individuals may enter more than one poem. However, we strongly advise that you concentrate on drafting and redrafting your poems and send only a selection of your very best. Remember, quality is more important than quantity.

The competition is free to enter and poems can be of any length and on any theme

Midnight 31st July 2022(BST)

Polar Expressions Contest 2022

  • Submit To Polar Expressions Publishing Contest 2022
Submit to Polar Expressions Publishing 15th annual contest.

  • 2022 National Poetry Contest and
  • 2022 National Short-Story Contest
(for Canadian citizens or residents of all ages)

July 31, 2022
No entry fee! Cash prizes to be won!

Each summer we hold two contests, which are open to Canadian residents and citizens of all ages. There is a separate division for young writers.

Over $3500 will be awarded in cash and other prizes.

There is no entry fee and no obligation to purchase anything.


3 Awards: USD250 each
Deadline: July 31, 2022

For the second year running, Singapore Unbound, a NYC-based literary non-profit, will be giving out three awards of USD250.00 each for the best three undergraduate critical essays on topics in Singapore and other literatures. The purpose of these awards is to encourage the teaching and study of Singapore literature at college level and the cultivation of general appreciation for the character and achievements of Singapore literature.

Generously funded again by Professor Koh Tai Ann (NTU, Singapore), three awards will be given to written works of literary criticism that illuminate their chosen topics for the general reader. The award-winning essays will be published on Singapore Unbound’s journal SUSPECT and, possibly, in a professional journal.

For the purpose of these awards, Singapore literature is defined as literature written in English from 1965 onwards by a Singaporean citizen, permanent resident, or anyone with a strong personal and literary association with Singapore. The author does not have to be residing in Singapore nor to have maintained their citizenship. The work(s) discussed may be in any of the literary genres, including but not limited to poetry, fiction, literary non-fiction, drama, and graphic novels. In future iterations of the awards, we hope to include Singapore literature written in other languages besides English.

The deadline for submissions is July 31, 2022, and the awards will be announced in September 2022.

  • 2023 Edinburgh Award for Flash Fiction
The Edinburgh Award for Flash Fiction is open to writers worldwide. It offers prizes of £2,000, £300 and £150, and the special Golden Hare Award of £500 for the top story by a writer resident in Scotland.

The flash fiction competition is open for entries from 1 June to 31 August (deadline for free entry applicants 31 July).  

August Writing Competitions Canada 2022

  • University Of New Orleans Competition 2022

We are looking for the best unpublished novel or short story collection. The Publishing Laboratory at the University of New Orleans seeks to bring innovative publicity and broad distribution to authors. 

We collect submissions from March 1 to August 31, deciding on 15-20 finalists. The finalists are read by students from The Publishing Laboratory in the fall, and one is chosen for publication.

Please submit your entire manuscript via Submittable. The selected author will receive a ten thousand dollar ($10,000) advance on royalties and a contract to publish with The University of New Orleans Press.

 The work does not have to be regionally focused. There is no word limit. There is no restriction on subjects covered. The contest is open to all authors from around the world, regardless of publishing history.  Works of fiction (novels and short story collections) only. Submission fee: $28.00.

  • Oxford Brooke's University's International Poetry Competition 2022

The Oxford Brookes Poetry Centre is launching its 2022 International Poetry Competition to celebrate the power of poetry across the world!

The competition is open to both new and established poets aged 18 and over from across the globe and has two categories:

Open category (open to all poets aged 18 years and over)

English as an Additional Language (EAL) category (open to all poets aged 18 and over who write in English as an Additional Language.

The winners of each category will receive £1000 and both runners up £200.

The competition deadline is 11pm BST on Monday 31 August 2022.

  • The Federation of British Columbia Writers Literary Contests 2022

The Federation of British Columbia Writers Literary Contests is an annual celebration of what we do and what we enjoy - writing. We invite Canadian poets and writers, especially those with ties to British Columbia and Yukon, to submit original, unpublished works.

There are four categories open for submission. A long list (top 20 in each genre) and short list (top 10 in each genre) will be announced in the fall. In addition to first place winners in each of the four genres, 40 writers (top 10 in each category) will have their pieces published in and receive copies of our annual anthology.

  • Flash Fiction (500 words max)
  • Short Fiction (3500 words max)
  • Creative Non-Fiction (1500 words max)
  • Poetry (30 lines max)

Entry Fee: C$15 FBCW members, C$25 non-members
Prize: C$350 for each genre, publication in anthology, free copies of anthology 
Deadline: August 31, 2022

- While the contest is called the Literary contests, we welcome and encourage submissions across all genres and styles. There is no theme.

- Work must be original and not previously published.

- Entries must be submitted in English.

- One piece per entry. You can submit as many entries as you wish.

- Contest open to Canadian residents.

Full information and link to submission can be found here. You can also check their official website

September Writing Competitions Canada 2022

  • The Face Project
28 paintings, 28 stories, 28 weeks, 1 publication

Calling all aspiring and established writers and poets! 

Would you like to be featured in a unique art and literature publication?

Read on to learn how you can be a part of this exciting project

More On The Face Project Competition

how is The Face Project going to work?
Over the next 28 weeks, one oil portrait will be posted every week. 

Out of the stories and poems received, one entry will be chosen to pair with each painting. 

The final selection of 28 entries will be announced here, within fifteen days of the final posting. 

These works will then be published along with the paintings in a stunning one-of-a-kind worldwide publication.

Deadline: September 4

  • Ankara Circle Fiction Competition 2022
Ankara Circle is inviting submissions for its inaugural writing contest. The winner stands a chance to win amazing cash prize. To enter or submit for the contest, read through the submission guidelines below.

About Ankara Circle

Ankara Circle is a team with an obsession for reading and writing exciting stories where magical things happen. We started Ankara Circle to share amazing stories from all over the world.

Join Ankara Circle's inaugural writing contest to establish a community for writing talent all over the world.

Submissions will be accepted till September 15th.

Prize: The grand prize is $1000 cash.

  • Women's Fiction Competition 2022

   1st Prize:

19 September 2022

Diana Evans

Entry fee:

This competition is for unpublished complete short fiction of up to 3,000 words, in any genre, for adult and/or young adult readers. 


The winner will receive £3,000.

Three additional finalists will each receive £100.

The winning entry and three finalists will be published in the December 2022 edition of Mslexia.

The winning entry, three finalists and eight additional shortlisted stories will also appear in Mslexia’s ebook anthology, Best Women’s Short Fiction 2022, published in December 2022.


The deadline for all entries is 23.59GMT, 19 September 2022

  • The Miller Williams Poetry Prize 2022
Miller Williams Poetry Prize 2022

Every year, the University of Arkansas Press accepts submissions for the Miller Williams Poetry Series and from the books selected awards the $5,000 Miller Williams Poetry Prize in the following summer.

 For almost a quarter century the press has made this series the cornerstone of its work as a publisher of some of the country’s best new poetry. The series and prize are named for and operated to honor the cofounder and longtime director of the press, Miller Williams.

Series editor Patricia Smith serves as the judge for the Miller Williams Poetry Prize. With the help of screeners, she awards to three authors publication in the series. 

This is the most significant award the press can offer: the opportunity for the author’s work to be published with all the dedication and expertise we have to offer. We provide professional copyediting by expert poetry editors, design and production by veteran designers who specialize in the typesetting of verse, and production managed by a house with a history of printing first-rate books.

 We believe this offers the poet the best possible opportunity to connect with his or her audience in print. This prize goes to all three books selected for the series. 

Three of the books are announced as finalists for the Miller Williams Poetry Prize. One is further chosen as the winner of the prize and receives $5,000 in cash in addition to publication.

The submission deadline for the 2024 Miller Williams Poetry Prize is 30 Sep 2022.

October Writing Competitions Canada 2022

November Writing Competitions Canada 2022

December Writing Competitions Canada 2022
  • Orna Ross Green Stories Novel Prize 
Organised by the University of Southampton, Green Stories is a ‘free’ writing competition project with a range of categories for novelists and short story writers. Entries should conform with positive visions of more sustainable futures and/or the inclusion of green solutions but needn’t have an explicitly green theme. 

Aim of Orna Green Stories Novel Prize

Our mission is to create a cultural body of work that entertains and informs about green solutions, inspires green behaviour and raises awareness of the necessary transformations towards a sustainable economy. Currently most green communications preach to the converted i.e. only those who already care choose to watch climate change documentaries or read books with a green theme. Thus a particular aim is to use fiction as a way to reach a wider audience, and support winning authors to translate their stories into published books

Deadline: 1st December 2022

Eligibility: Open to all adults (18+) of any nationality, as long as the submission is in English and has not been published elsewhere.

Entry Fee: None required


£1000 for the winner and £500 for runner up, plus the following: 

Half price manuscript appraisal (worth £300-400) for top three entries by established literary consultancy Daniel Goldsmith.



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A,1,African,63,Annual Writing Contest,16,Art and Photography,1,Articles,194,Biographies,3,Book Reviews,10,Call for Submission,101,Contest,491,Education,22,Essay Contests,65,Essays,1,Events,3,Featured Profile,1,Fiction,15,Flash Fiction,5,Freelancing,6,HAIKU,3,Interview,10,Listing,2,Literary Events,4,Literary Magazines,121,Literary News,90,Literature,14,MUSE,4,News,56,Newsletter,1,Non-Fiction,4,Opportunities,158,Photography,12,Poetry,99,Popular Authors Biographies,5,Publishers weekly,2,Reviews,3,Romance,12,Shop Here,4,SHORT STORIES,18,Visual Arts,2,
Pawners Paper: Writing Contests Canada 2022
Writing Contests Canada 2022
2022 Writing Competitions Canada 2022 comprises writing competitions are ongoing and available to writers writers that are residents of Canada 2022
Pawners Paper
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