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The Future Is Bright Discursive Essay

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The Future Is Bright Discursive Essay

The Future Is Bright Discursive Essay

Discursive Essay Meaning: A discursive essay is an academic paper that involves a discussion that seems to explain all relevant and possible views and positions in a given topic, subject, or issue at hand. This type of essay involves giving an unbiased views of an issue but this does not literally mean being completely neutral. 

The essence of discursive essay is to provide a reliable and unbiased assessment of an issue. Also, it should write it using the facts and research reports to present both sides of the issue

An example of the foregoing is The Future Is Bright, discursive essay that could bring more clarification to this subject

The Future Is Bright Meaning

"The future is bright" is a common phrase used to depict or express optimism about an expectation. In other words, it means the particular thing referred to will be or become better.

The Future Is Bright : Discursive Essay

The future is a mystery to everyone. Some people would argue that the future is bright because modern technology will soon be able to solve most problems in our society. Other people think that modern technology will bring about the destruction of the world. If we consider the recent negative environmental and social trends in the world today it is impossible to be optimistic about the future.

It can be argued that modern technology has solved many of the world’s problems, and may continue to do so in the future. We have made rapid progress, especially in the fields of medicine, communication and transport. Scientists are now able to cure or prevent many of the diseases that previously affected millions of people. For example, polio can be eliminated simply by vaccination. As well as this there has been an explosion in the area of information technology and communication. This also makes it easier to conduct business in any part of the world.[ Along with the advances made in communication, transport has also been improved all over the world. Even in developing countries, many people now own private transport or are able to travel quickly and easily using public transport. Therefore, it is sometimes claimed that technology will provide mankind with the universal panacea of the future.

However, modern technology also brings many disadvantages. Pollution is one result of increased technology and industrialization.
 The effects of this can be seen in the destruction of the ozone layer as well as global warming.

Improvements in technology have also increased the effectiveness of weapons, especially weapons of mass destruction. As a direct result of modern technology, certainly in the future new diseases will appear. Although transport has improved, it brings with it the danger of air pollution and traffic congestion.

Overpopulation and starvation will increase in the future because natural resources are limited and undoubtedly the amount of fertile land is decreasing steadily.

In conclusion, it is clear that for most people in the world the future is not bright because mankind is destroying the environment through unsustainable development. Modern technology can solve some problems but without careful planning the future looks bleak.

By Frank Felser



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Pawners Paper: The Future Is Bright Discursive Essay
The Future Is Bright Discursive Essay
Read the future is bright discursive essay and learn how to write discursive essay.
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