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Submit To Gettysburg Review Submissions | +$25 Pay Rate

Gettysburg Review Submissions is announced open to accepts works from writers. Hence, interested writers are required to follow the foregoing rules.

Gettysburg Review Submissions

Gettysburg Review Submissions

Gettysburg Review Submissions is announced open to accepts works from writers. Hence, interested writers are required to follow the foregoing submission guidelines for each category of works to be submitted.

About the Gettysburg Review

The Gettysburg Review, published by Gettysburg College, is recognized as one of the country’s premier literary journals. Since its debut in 1988, work by such luminaries as E. L. Doctorow, Rita Dove, James Tate, Joyce Carol Oates, Richard Wilbur, and Donald Hall.

Gettysburg Review Submissions Guidelines

Gettysburg Review Poetry Submissions

The editors of the Gettysburg Review are interested in both short and long poems of nearly any length or aesthetic bent.

 Poetry submissions should consist of one to five poems, depending on length, formatted either single- or double-spaced, and, if printed, on one side of the page only please. 

As for how many poems to send, use your best judgment, but here are some suggestions: send no more than five short poems, two longer ones, or one really long one in any one submission. If your poem is a book-length epic, then you should think about excerpting.

Gettysburg Review Fiction Submission

Fiction is generally in the form of short stories, but we welcome short-shorts and lengthier stories. 

We also publish novel excerpts. Manuscripts should be double-spaced, and, if printed, on one side of the page only please. Novel excerpts should be complete and self-contained; they should not require any written contextualization. 

Do not send us your novel and ask that we select an excerpt that suits our tastes.

Aesthetically, we are open to most styles and approaches and are always interested in stories, whether more traditional or experimental, that are off-beat, penetrating, and surprising. 

We do not publish genre fiction—mystery, crime, science fiction, fantasy, and the like—but are certainly not opposed to considering work that self-consciously employs the tropes of more formulaic writing for more sophisticated literary ends.

 While we don't have a hard and fast word count restriction, 10,000 words is generally advisable as a maximum.

Gettysburg Review Essays Submissions

While interdisciplinary in scope, the Gettysburg Review is literary in focus. To complement the poetry and fiction we publish, we look for essays on a wide variety of subjects, including but not limited to literature, art, film, history, science, and contemporary thought. 

All we ask is that the subject be treated in a literary fashion—gracefully and in depth.

Essays can take any form—creative nonfiction, memoir, biography, autobiography, etc. While we don't have a hard and fast word count restriction, 10,000 words is generally advisable as a maximum.

Whatever the length, manuscripts should be double-spaced, and, if printed, on one side of the page only please.

Gettysburg Review Essay-Reviews Submissions

The Gettysburg Review does not publish short reviews of recently published books; we are interested in more extensive assessments of new publications, reviews that offer insights both broader and deeper than whether a given book is good, bad, or mediocre. 

We currently have a couple of authors who write essay-reviews for us, but we welcome unsolicited reviews so long as they take the essay-review approach. For models, check out issues that contain essay-reviews by Dorothy Baressi, Floyd Collins, or Derek Mong. Essay-reviews generally run about fifteen to twenty manuscript pages, and those should be double-spaced, and, if printed, on one side of the page only please.

Gettysburg Review Visual Art Submissions

Each issue of the Gettysburg Review features an eight-page, full-color graphics section devoted to the work of a contemporary visual artist. 

Typically, we publish work by painters, but we have published a collection of color photographs, as well as drawings and reproductions of collages. 

Visual artists interested in submitting should send a selection of at least nine and up to twenty images with a cover letter offering an introduction to themselves and their work. 

Galleries interested in seeing work by one of their artists in the Gettysburg Review should send samples or exhibition catalogs along with an artist’s statement.

Simultaneous Submission

Should you decide to engage in this practice, indicate in your cover letter that your manuscript is under concurrent consideration, and notify us immediately if said work is accepted elsewhere.


The Gettysburg Review does not reprint previously published material, including material that was first published in electronic form on the internet.

Gettysburg Review Payment

Payment is upon publication: $2.50 per line for poetry, with a maximum of $300.00 for an individual poem, and $25.00 per printed page for prose. Published authors also receive a copy of the issue containing their work and a one-year subscription.

Gettysburg Review Submissions Fee

$3.00 per submission.


No postal manuscript or artwork will be returned, nor any notification of rejection given, unless it is accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

Gettysburg Review Response Time and Inquiries

Expect five to eight months for a decision. Since using Submittable as a tool, our submissions have drastically increased. 

Please, be patient and refrain from inquiring about your manuscript’s status until at least eight months have passed. 

If you decide to inquire, we prefer that authors send us a note with an SASE or inquire through the "notes" function in Submittable rather than contact us via phone or e-mail. Please understand that we, too, would like to provide you with a shorter response time, but volume simply doesn't allow for it. 

Additionally, we cannot respond individually to each submission. One rejection is not necessarily an indicator of a future response. 

Lost or Damaged Manuscripts

The Gettysburg Review accepts no responsibility for, and absolutely will not engage in correspondence about, lost or damaged manuscripts



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A,1,African,65,Annual Writing Contest,16,Art and Photography,1,Articles,192,Book Reviews,10,Call for Submission,101,Contest,491,Education,22,Essay Contests,65,Featured Profile,2,Fiction,15,Flash Fiction,5,Freelancing,6,HAIKU,3,Interview,10,Listing,2,Literary Events,7,Literary Magazines,121,Literary News,92,Literature,14,MUSE,4,News,52,Newsletter,1,Non-Fiction,4,Opportunities,158,Photography,12,Poetry,97,Popular Authors Biographies,7,Publishers weekly,2,Romance,12,Shop Here,4,SHORT STORIES,17,
Pawners Paper: Submit To Gettysburg Review Submissions | +$25 Pay Rate
Submit To Gettysburg Review Submissions | +$25 Pay Rate
Gettysburg Review Submissions is announced open to accepts works from writers. Hence, interested writers are required to follow the foregoing rules.
Pawners Paper
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