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Submit To Crow Toes Quarterly Magazine

CROW TOES QUARTERLY: ART & LITERATURE FOR CHILDREN WHO DON'T SCARE EASILY reads general submissions ALL YEAR ROUND. But please note that we only read

Quarterly Magazine Submissions

CROW TOES QUARTERLY:  ART & LITERATURE FOR CHILDREN WHO DON'T SCARE EASILY reads general submissions ALL YEAR ROUND. But please note that we only read and respond to submissions that follow our guidelines.

We are looking for "playfully dark", intelligent, humorous, descriptive literature written for children ages 8 - 13.

 We invite poetry and fiction submissions by email. Simple, right? Wrong! 

All works must be original, previously unpublished and written in English. 

Work must also be of the highest quality (of course, this is a subjective statement, but before you send us something, get a friend to read it… or a child. They'll tell you exactly what they think of it).

Your submission should include a cover letter with a brief bio. Please also note the following submission instructions for the different categories:

Poetry: 1- 5 pieces. Submit them in a single WORD doc or a PDF as an attachment. Until a response is returned to you from your initial submission(s), we will not consider any further work from you.  
Patience is a…

Fiction: 1 piece. No more than 3000 words. Submit it in a WORD or PDF doc as an attachment. Until a response is returned to you from your initial submission, we will not consider any further work from you.  
Patience is a… 

CROW TOES QUARTERLY also accepts illustrations and other types of artwork for the magazine's ART INTERLUDES. These must be dark and imaginative… a continuation of the themes CTQ embraces. 

Artwork: 1-5 pieces. Submit low-res JPEGs. If the work is chosen for publication, we will request a high-res version. An artist's bio and phone number must also be included with the submission. Artist keeps physical rights to the original and can do with it what he or she pleases. CTQ will only ever request high-res JPEGs of the piece requested and publication rights of the digital file. 

CROW TOES QUARTERLY is also always looking for artists to illustrate stories. If you'd like to be included in our roster of artists, please email us with examples of your work, following the same guidelines as above. 

If you have an online gallery or Instagram account, please send us that information as well.

 Typically we'd be looking for 2-3 illustrations per story with full creative control of how those illustrations look given to YOU. Payment information is below.

Simultaneous submission is certainly encouraged. But if your work is accepted elsewhere, please kindly withdraw your submission or piece(s) by contacting us as soon as possible.


Each issue is themed, but these themes are open to interpretation. Let your imagination run wild! Be sure to have some sort of tracking device on your imagination, though. 

We told one of the writers from CTQ’s first chapter to let his imagination run wild and sadly, it escaped by jumping onto a passing speedboat. He’s still looking for it to this day.

SPRING 2022 (Issue 5, APR - JUN) - Wild
SUMMER 2022 (Issue 6, JUL - SEP) - Curious
FALL 2022 (Issue 7, OCT - DEC) - Haunted
WINTER 2023 (Issue 8, JAN - MAR) - Strong
SPRING 2023 (Issue 9, APR - JUN) - Mistaken
SUMMER 2023 (Issue 10, JUL - SEP) - Shiny
FALL 2023 (Issue 11, OCT - DEC) - Late
WINTER 2024 (Issue 12, JAN - MAR) - Dangerous

*Please consider purchasing/downloading a few issues of the magazine to get a feel for the overall theme/feeling/atmosphere we strive for. Your small financial contribution will also help us continue to compensate our writers, poets and artists, and will help us keep CTQ ad free. And that’s pretty darn cool in a world that revolves around advertising. 

To get you started on your CTQ journey, here’s our gift to you… it’s a free digital copy of our most celebrated issue of CTQ to date. THE FOURTEENTH ISSUE was originally released in June 2010 in conjunction with an art exhibit at AYDEN GALLERY (now closed) in Vancouver, BC. The exhibit featured artwork and stories from the issue. 

How to Submit To Crow Toes Quarterly Magazine

All submissions to CTQ must be emailed to: ctqsubmissions@gmail.com with type of submission, title of submission and name of artist/author in the subject line.

Response Time and Rights

If you submit a short story or poems to CTQ, it may take up to six months for a response. Our Staff Villain is in charge of submissions and he tends to take a lot of days off. I know we should hand over the reigns to Poinsettia, but she's too busy reporting on all the unsavoury things going on in the world right now. So we ask for your patience.

 In regard to art submissions, we only respond to those we are considering for publication. 

We respond to art submissions within 8 – 10 weeks, so if you haven't heard from us by then, well… it probably wasn't meant to be. The CTQ Staff are huge fans of persistence (and creepy art)!

We apologize that we are unable to give individual feedback to authors whose work we do not take. But we love your participation and value your support of CTQ all the same. Keep your work coming!

If CROW TOES QUARTERLY does select your work for publication, CTQ obtains first Canadian serial rights only. Copyright reverts back to you (the author or the artist) upon publication (More Below). By submitting work to any of CTQ's online requests/contests, you are giving CROW TOES QUARTERLY and its staff the rights to republish said work, the artist or author's name, age and hometown on its website for an indeterminate amount of time. If you are between the ages of 8 and 13, PLEASE get your parent's permission before submitting your work.


CROW TOES QUARTERLY is small time, man, but that doesn't mean we don't respect those making their way in the extremely challenging world of the arts. 

Stories 1-1500 words. CTQ pays $25, a one-year subscription to the E-Publication and one print edition of the issue the work appears in.

Stories 1501-3000 words. CTQ pays $50, a one-year subscription to the E-Publication and one print edition of the issue the work appears in. 

Poetry. CTQ pays $20 per poem, a one-year subscription to the E-Publication and one print edition of the issue the work appears in. 

Artwork. CTQ pays $20 per illustration (up to $60 for work made exclusively for selected stories), a one-year subscription to the E-Publication and one print edition of the issue the work appears in.

Cover Art. CTQ pays $50, a one-year subscription to the E-Publication and one print edition of the issue the work appears in.



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Pawners Paper: Submit To Crow Toes Quarterly Magazine
Submit To Crow Toes Quarterly Magazine
CROW TOES QUARTERLY: ART & LITERATURE FOR CHILDREN WHO DON'T SCARE EASILY reads general submissions ALL YEAR ROUND. But please note that we only read
Pawners Paper
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