Submit your work to the lengthy poem contest 2022 for a cash prize of 300 dollars.
Lengthy Poem Contest is announced open for Submission. The winner of the contest will be awarded a cash prize of 300 U.S. dollars.
Three finalists will be published on in April, followed by several days of Fan Voting. The Winner will be announced on May Day.
Editor's Pick
Submission for ‘s
2022 Lengthy Poem Contest is now open, to close the 1st of January 2022.
Guidelines For Submissions
Your work must include line breaks, no prose poems.
Must be at least 120 lines, not counting the title, partitions between stanzas, or paratextual elements– such as epigraphs or dedications– while no longer than, roughly, chapbook length.
Due to reasons of our internet publication and its daily posts, best to divide the work into parts or sections of some sort, though this is certainly not a strict requirement. Parts should be separately titled, numbered or otherwise differentiated from one another. Uninterrupted works will still be considered.
Poem cycles will be considered.
Should be a clear thread connecting the work. May help establishing such a thread to include a defense, or argument, or some thoughts before or after the poem. This may be published, at your prerogative, alongside the rest of the work.
Send your best work. You will write better, soon.
Edit till there is no editing left to be done.
Please include a cover letter.
Please include a line count.
Please include a phone number, should our replies be lost. In no way will it be distributed or published.
You may choose to include a brief bio in the third person. Our proudest moments are the opportunities to present under-published authors. If you have none or few prior publications, be sure to tell us.
Email all you wish us to consider in a single downloadable document– PDFs not preferred, as they are difficult to transcribe to our site–
MUST include the subject line “Lengthy Poem Contest”
— to
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