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"Yaradilis" A Poem By Muiz Opeyemi — Pawners Paper

i trace lines across the edge of shadows call it a self portrait as if the reflection was not enough as if the lens would remember the pixel half...


Yaradilis is a poem that puts the readers in a pod to ruminate and enlarge their imaginations of things due to the poet's diction. The poet, Muiz Opeyemi, delivers words strong enough to captivate the readers' mind, give them a spare space on the memory lane, confusion, self-discovery and the heart that yearns for love.


he knows me well enough
he knows there's no me
that me is a puff of smoke
dissipating like air expelled from tired lungs, as if
in a desperate search for...

cactus fruits are sweet
they remind me of things i've never tasted
like love like pain like fam
maybe i lied, maybe
they only gave me a rumbling stomach
something to forget them for

maybe they're as familiar as
the vet's smug smile to a cock
or a girl, or
a snorkel drowning in a puddle across the street
maybe i made all that up

i trace lines across the edge of shadows
call it a self portrait
as if the reflection was not enough
as if the lens would remember the pixel
half a quarter of a year later

speaking of reflections
i still run down the river
hoping to catch
a glimpse of him on the surface
but the sight is blurry
like the dubbed movies
that watch our sleepy heads
on the couch at night

thankfully I still recollect the smell of my breath
i'll remind him to take note of
the one too many traits that
makes the mind a traitor to the self

Muiz Opeyemi ajayu

Muiz Opeyemi Ajayi, a young poet and writer, is a fresh undergraduate of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. 

He writes conventional & unconventional poetry on diverse subjects including identity, personality conflict, but's & maybe's, as well as experiences from living in the Western part of Nigeria. 

Follow him on Instagram @real_bardboi and reach him on Facebook @Muiz Opeyemi Ajayi


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Pawners Paper: "Yaradilis" A Poem By Muiz Opeyemi — Pawners Paper
"Yaradilis" A Poem By Muiz Opeyemi — Pawners Paper
i trace lines across the edge of shadows call it a self portrait as if the reflection was not enough as if the lens would remember the pixel half...
Pawners Paper
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