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Submit To Boneyard Soup Magazine | $0.50 Per Word — Pawners Paper

Boneyard Soup Magazine calls out to writers to submit their works for its new issue. They accept works in the fiction and non fiction genre.

Boneyard Soup Magazine Calls For Submission

Boneyard Soup Magazine calls out to writers to submit their works for its new issue. They accept works in the fiction and non fiction genre. They also accept art works for the cover of each issue of the magazine.

Boneyard Soup Magazine

According to the magazine:

Boneyard Soup Magazine is a horror and dark fantasy publication. Our mission is twofold: to publish the finest short stories from across the entire genre and to support new and emerging writers in order to bring fresh perspectives to horror literature

Submission Guidelines For Boneyard Soup Magazine

Interested writers are advised to read the guidelines for Submission carefully before proceeding further.

All submissions for fiction should follow proper manuscript format. Please send them to submissions@boneyardsoup.com

Attach submissions in .doc or .rtf format. They will not accept submissions embedded in the body of an email. 

Along with your manuscript, include a cover letter. The letter should include your bio. 

Multiple submissions or simultaneous submissions will not be considered.

 Must Read: "Regeneration" A Poem By Nattie O'Sheggzy — Pawners Paper

Payment for each accepted work.

To receive payment for your story or non-fiction article, you will need a PayPal account.

 Boneyard Soup Magazine pay 5 cents per word for original fiction up to 6000 words on publication for first world rights. 

For reprint fiction, they pay 1 cent per word up to 6000 words for nonexclusive reprint rights. 

For nonfiction articles, they pay 5 cents per word up to 3000 words. 



Boneyard Soup Magazine publishes quarterly in a digital format. They want stories in the range of 2000 to 6000 words.


They publish in the horror and dark fantasy genres and are open to almost anything you can imagine within those categories.

 Traditional Gothic. Pulpy horror with an '80s vibe. Body horror. Ghost stories. Horror comedy. 

Don't be afraid to submit if your tale falls within the horror and dark fantasy genres. However, they are not interested in stories with extreme violence or overt sexual themes. 

Flash Fiction

They are now also open to accept REPRINT flash fiction between 500 and 1500 words.

 These stories are published in two places. First, in their monthly newsletter, Appetizer.

Second, the story is published in an issue of Boneyard Soup under the magazine department Pint Sized Monsters. In your submission, please indicate when and in what place your flash story was published prior.

Editor's Pick

It Ends With Us by Collen Hoover

It ends with us



Each issue of Boneyard Soup Magazine will feature up to two non-fiction articles curated under the title Cabinet of Curiosities.

 Authors of these pieces will delve deeply into topics from the world of horror.


The idea is to explore the strange side of reality. Urban legends. Documented ghost stories. Myths. Odd, terrifying, or befuddling events from history. Anything creepy, weird, or horrifying is fair game here.


Important to note: These are not intended to be academic or scholarly. While still attending to good writing practice, imagine you are telling your story to a close friend.


Please submit a proposal for your article first. Include potential sources in your proposal. Upon the editor's approval, you will send the written article. Pieces published under the Cabinet of Curiosities heading should be no more than 3000 words. 



They also consider your short story if it's been published in another place. However, be sure to include the word REPRINT in the header of your email. For example: STORY TITLE (REPRINT).


Response Time
As long as 6 weeks.

After it has lapsed, send them an email to submissions@boneyardsoup.com with the word QUERY in the subject line. In your email include the title of your story and the date submitted. 
Don't respond to rejection letters


Each issue of Boneyard Soup Magazine will feature original cover art and sketches to accompany published stories and articles. 

 submit the artwork in question to submissions@boneyardsoup.com.


If you would like to produce original sketches for an upcoming issue, please submit an inquiry with samples of your artwork to submissions@boneyardsoup.com. If interested, they will contact you with details for the story we'd like you to draw for.


Payment will be negotiated with each artist they work with. 

Note: Pawners Paper has no affiliation with the organizers of the contest or magazine.



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Pawners Paper: Submit To Boneyard Soup Magazine | $0.50 Per Word — Pawners Paper
Submit To Boneyard Soup Magazine | $0.50 Per Word — Pawners Paper
Boneyard Soup Magazine calls out to writers to submit their works for its new issue. They accept works in the fiction and non fiction genre.
Pawners Paper
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