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Netflix Nigeria

Netflix over the past two years has taken over the movie productions around the globe and Nigeria is not left out. Their involvement in the production

Netflix Nigeria: Their Adaptations In Nigeria Entertainment Industry

netflix nigeria

Netflix over the past two years has taken over the movie productions around the globe and Nigeria is not left out. Their involvement in the production of movies, most especially in the west, hasn't been out of sight. Netflix started off as an online streaming channel for released, steering clear from the old traditional ways film are being distributed and watched.

The digitalization has given them edge over all other movies productions companies and has made them even more competitive. A data that was released online showed that the profit of Netflix has spanned higher than other digital giants like eBay and even Amazon. The

The intention of the company to dominate the world movie industry became more obvious when they decided to take the gears to Africa. Thereby, supporting the Nigeria movie industry, Nollywood. Since the emergence of Netflix in Nigeria, a notable movies have dominated the screen, one of which is citation.

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Citation was produced by Afolayan, and the movie featured new debut, Temi Otedola. The latter, being the heroine of the movie demonstrated intensity, and the suspense most movie addicts craves in expectant of the movie release was delivered in the trailers. The movie too wasn't short of expectations and the scenerios already painted by the trailers.

Aside this, what influenced the interest of the viewers was also the involvement of the movies production giants. This created a rare interest in the movie once viewers saw the red bold name "Netflix" on the posters and the hype created around it.

Why this might seem interesting and appear to be a chance for Nollywood to gain larger audience outside Nigeria, it hasn't been advantageous in some aspect. There  has been a huge disparities between the licensing fee released by the movie streaming giant for the Nigerian movies and those that are released for Asian and American movies. Surprisingly, the figure for Nigeria movies are around $10,000, while those meant for the others are more than $500,000,000. This has been an issue for debate.

Arguably, Netflix isn't the Messiah the Nigeria movie industry needs. Prior to their emergence in Nigeria, Nollywood has been doing quite well. However, the stigma has been always been low cost of money spent on production. But the storylines have always been genuine, creative ans...enough of sustaining the belief and the interest of the Nigerian audience. Although, not all



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Pawners Paper: Netflix Nigeria
Netflix Nigeria
Netflix over the past two years has taken over the movie productions around the globe and Nigeria is not left out. Their involvement in the production
Pawners Paper
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