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Literary Magazines Accepting Submissions 2025 — Pawners Paper

This is compiled list of literary magazines accepting submissions 2025. You can enter literary magazines call for submission in 2025. Free entry.

List Of Literary Magazines Accepting Submissions 2025

Literary Magazine Submissions

Literary Magazines accepting submissions in 2025 are quite in large numbers, with each magazine considering writers respective works based some factors such as genre, story preference etc.

This compiled list of literary magazines comprises all literary magazines; both online and print with no restrictions whatsoever. The differences between literary magazines in accepting writers submitted works, often depends on the literary magazines acceptance rates and pay rates. This in turn, depends on each Magazine's financial capability. 

Also, some focus on a particular pattern of writing, the language used in communicating with the readers and many others.

However, there are literary magazines that accept submission fee.

Things You Should Know When Submitting To Literary Magazines Accepting Submissions 2025

  1. Most literary magazines focus on a particular genre. Some might prefer horror, and others might take interest in romance. For instance, there are Literary magazines accepting poetry submissions only.
  2. The pay rate are quite different. Most literary magazines pay per word after acceptance.
  3. Ensure you still have the original right to your after publication by the Literary Magazines.
  4. Some Literary magazines also accept art works
  5. Read the guidelines for submission before proceeding further. Most literary magazines reject submissions that fails to adhere to the guidelines.
  6. Keep abreast of the deadlines. Use Google calendar. 
  7. If the given time lapses, try to contact the organizers through their provided email.

The Compiled List

Here are some couple of things the compiled list of the literary magazines accepting submissions is all about:

  • Most of the magazines are literary magazines that pay writers for short stories, poetry, fiction, non fiction, art works and photography. 
  • The least payment for each accepted works is $20. Click on the 'Read More' to get more details about this.
  • Simultaneous submissions is accepted. Although, not all of them.
  • Digital and print publication of accepted works.

Literary Magazines Accepting Submissions 2025 From Writers

NOTE: Some of these literary magazines allows submissions within certain periods. Hence, you should do well to check if they are currently accepting submission before submitting to them.

Also, . Click on the 'Read More' to get more details about the magazines, such as their payment rate and the mode of submissions.

  • Singapore Unbound's Suspect

SUSPECT, as in "we suspect this work has qualities of greatness." As in looking from the ground up, and not top down. As in "incredulity towards metanarratives" (Lyotard) in favor of microhistories, subversive perspectives, and marginalized identities. We SUSPECT that a SUSPECT like you has something SUSPECT to say. Say it.

We seek poetry, literary fiction, essays, and any kind of writings that do not fall into these categories, written or translated into English by authors who identify as Asian. We also publish reviews of books by Asian authors and interviews with Asian writers and artists.

Submit a group of 3-5 poems, a story, or an essay, with a brief cover letter, in MSWord format to Jee at jkoh@singaporeunbound.org. We aim to reply within a month. Simultaneous submissions are fine with us, but please inform us if your work is accepted elsewhere.

We pay USD100.00 for an accepted contribution.

  • Flame Tree Publishíng's Hidden Realm Short Stories

We're delighted to let you know this new call for submissions is open! Please read through submission details carefully before sending us your stories and ensure you include HIDDEN REALMS first in the subject of your email.

  • For accepted stories we pay Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) rates of 8 cents/6 pence per word for original stories, 6 cents/4 pence for reprints.
  • We will aim to read each story and confirm its status within 4 months of the submission deadline.
  • Payment for the chosen stories will be made within 30 days of the final advertised publication date (see our website flametreepublishing.com for details), although some may be paid earlier than that.
  • Submission does not imply the right to publication. Each story will be read and assessed by the selection panel.

  • Cosmic Horror Monthly Magazine

Cosmic Horror Monthly Magazine is an online literary magazine that publishes literary works twice in a year. In addition, writers are paid for their works after submissions.

Submission Period
 Submission periods are twice yearly from January 1st – January 7th and July 1st – July 7th.

January stories accepted will appear in issues from the following July – December

July stories accepted will appear in issues from the following January – June

  • New Reader Magazine

New Reader Magazine is always looking for fresh perspectives and provocative new voices. We want stories about humans and about being human.

Investigative stories are welcome, as are memoirs and profiles, interviews, etc. of people who are doing interesting things and changing perspectives in big cities or small, secret towns. We’re also looking for fiction and poetry of all kinds, and we especially welcome experimental fiction and poetry and work that defies genre conventions.

At this time, we are not looking to publish hard news or purely political op-ed pieces.

Pitches are also welcome. When sending a pitch, please include PITCH in your email’s subject line.

  • Bramble Magazine

Bramble magazine

Bramble solely publishes creative works by disabled writers and artists based in Australia. 

It is important to note that we realise individuals have unique ways in which they experience disability, as well as preferences for language use surrounding their own health conditions. 

We, of course, absolutely include chronic illness, neurodivergence, mental illness, d/Deaf and visually impaired individuals in our project, and want to strongly emphasise the importance of representing the wide scope of diversity within disability itself.

If you are a creative from within this demographic, we’d love to hear from you.

Bramble accepts the following submissions:

up to 1500 words 

up to 1500 words

up to 5 page
up to 10 pages 

up to 5 artworks

up to 5 pages 

up to 5 images

Submissions accepted for publication will be paid $200 in total.

  • Off The Topic Publishing


Submit 1-3 poems of any style and theme by the 25th of each month. Poems received after the 25th will be considered in the next batch.

The poem should be no more than 15 lines (including blank lines). One poem will be selected for publication each month and printed postcard-style to be mailed out to our Poetry Box subscribers. These selections are made two months in advance.

Payment $40 CAD.

  • Mythulu Magazine

Mythulu eMagazine pays an average of $0.06/word or $15/page. Non-fiction pays $0.08/word. Creative works earn $0.04/word, with short stories capped at $75. We strongly encourage contributors to boost their earnings through our contributor-exclusive affiliate program.

  • Diabolical Plots Magazine

These are the submission windows we currently have planned, we are OPEN in these date ranges:

July 1-14, 2022: General Submission Window (no theme)
July 24-31, 2022: Diabolical Thoughts  Submission Window (telepathy theme)
If it is not in these date ranges then we are CLOSED.


Speculative fiction–science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Everything should have a speculative element–that includes horror. Feel free to mix in other genres at will–a fantasy mystery or a science fiction romance.

And yes, we really mean it has to have a speculative element. If you submit a serial killer story with only mundane elements, even though that could be a horror story it’s not a speculative horror story and it will be rejected regardless of quality.

Things that we tend to really like:

Weird fiction
Sense of wonder
Strong character and plot arcs
Strong worldbuilding, hinting at more to see around the edges of the story
Philosophical food-for-thought
Straightforward, easily readable style
Religion, where the story does not try to convert the reader, nor does the story demonize religion
Platonic friendship between men and women

  • Room Magazine
Room Magazine is open for for the publication of your original short stories, poems, creative non-fiction, or art. Room publishes fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and art by folks of marginalized genders, including but not limited to women (cisgender and transgender), transgender men, Two-Spirit and nonbinary people. We specifically encourage writers with overlapping under-represented identities to submit their work. We don’t want writers to feel restricted by gender or genre labels, so if you are unsure if your work is a fit for Room, please get in touch at submissions@roommagazine.com.

All contributors will be paid upon publication: $50 CAD for one page, $60 for two pages, $90 for three pages, $120 for four pages, $150 for five or more pages.

  • Bennington Reviews
Bennington Review is published twice a year in print form. We aim to stake out a distinctive space for innovative, intelligent, and moving fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, film writing, and cross-genre work. In the spirit of poet Dean Young’s dictum that poets should be “making birds, not birdcages,” we are particularly taken with writing that is simultaneously graceful and reckless. 

Unsolicited submissions will only be accepted from September 1st, 2022 through January 9th, 2023. Submissions response times vary, though we aim to respond to most submissions within five to eight months.

For submissions received on or after September 1st, 2022, we will pay contributors $120 for prose of six typeset pages and under, $250 for prose of over six typeset pages, and $25 per poem, in addition to two copies of the issue in which the piece is published and one copy of the subsequent issue.

  • Spectacle Magazine 

We are happy to take simultaneous submissions, but if your work is accepted elsewhere, we ask that you withdraw or partially withdraw your submission immediately by adding a note to Submittable. Please do not email us to withdraw or partially withdraw work. 

Please do not submit more than once per reading period. accept poetry, fiction, art and non-fiction. Publication in an issue includes a $50 honorarium.

  • Border Crossings Journal

We’re especially interested in writing that crosses boundaries in genre or geography, and voices that aren’t often heard in mainstream publications. The best way to see what we mean by this is read our latest issue. All of our submissions go through a rigorous editorial board process.

 We consider ourselves a “teaching journal,” in that one of our main goals is to give LSSU English and creative writing students editing and publishing opportunities prior to graduation. Every year, student interns read alongside faculty editors as part of the full editorial board.

Featured authors receive prominent placement in the online journal, a published interview with the editors, and a $100 honorarium. 

  • The Thin Air Magazine
Our Thin Air team wants writers who are conscious of their position relative to land and to beings - human and otherwise. We encourage submissions from those who are concerned with borders–or lack thereof–and the interconnection of ecologies. In our upcoming issue, we hope to create a space for those who are unafraid to engage with and push back against the typical definition of what constitutes a ‘homeland’.

**A note: For those who have already submitted their work or feel called to write outside of this theme, please know that we will still fully review and carefully consider your pieces for print in our 29th issue!

Our print issue–published annually each spring–will accept submissions until this fall deadline, but our website, Thin Air Online, accepts and publishes work year round.

Airlight Magazine

We are looking for new and innovative works of literary arts across all mediums and genres. Please send your work to us by using this form. Submissions sent by email (unless specifically requested by the editors) will not be read.

For submission inquiries, or to withdraw or update a submission, please use this form.

We are particularly interested in work from female-identifying, BIPOC, and LGBTQ creators.

While Air/Light is based in Los Angeles and approaches the literary arts from a Southern California perspective, we want to read and publish work by everyone from everywhere.

And we pay! Baseline rates are as follows:

  • Poetry: $50
  • Responses and department pieces: $100
  • Fiction and essays/nonfiction: $200
  • Visual art, music, and multimedia: $200

  • Deep Overstock Magazine
We publish fiction, poetry, comics, art, images, medical reports, plays, essays, philosophies, sculptures, sounds, mushroom dataset analyses, magic spells, fairy tales, folklore, riddles, jokes, horoscopes, death-predictions, and more. Surprise us!

We have open submissions on a rolling basis.
  • *Winter Issue: Open September 1st through November 30th. Release: January.
  • Spring Issue: Open December 1st through February 28th. Release: April.
  • Summer Issue: Open March 1st through May 31st. Release: July.
  • Fall Issue: Open June 1st through August 31st. Release: October.

  • EastOver Press and Cutleaf Journal

EastOver Press seeks work that responds to their common experience and reflects our differences. They focus on collections of short stories, essays, or poetry, though they are open to hybrid forms and genre-expanding work. They are interested in work by all writers, especially those historically underrepresented in literary publishing. 

They seek to publish work in a format that honors both the writing and the writer. Cutleaf will pay from $100 to $400 for prose and from $50 to $100 for poetry per poem. 

  • Last Girls Club Magazine
Submissions are now open.  Submit only on our Duosuma page. Submissions open July 1-Aug 1.

 The theme is “Thoughts and Prayers”. It’s a common response to tragedy, personal, national, or worldwide and it does nothing to fix or help the situation. In fact it normalizes it. They shrug and turn away. This is your springboard to drive a spike into the heart of hypocrisy.  Whether through powerlessness or apathy, it is complicit. Take it where you want.

  • Yellow Arrow Journal

Yellow Arrow Journal is excited to announce submissions are now OPEN for the spring 2022 (Vol. VII, No. 1) issue: UpSpring

Do you have creative nonfiction, poetry, or cover art you would like to share? Join our newsletter and follow us on Facebook or Instagram for up-to-date information about submissions and Yellow Arrow Publishing.

If selected, you will receive $10.00USD and a PDF of the journal issue

  • Transular Travelers Lounge Magazine

We are open annually for submissions from March 15th through April 15th for our August issue, and from September 15th through October 15th for our February issue.

The first week of submissions (March 15-21 and Sept 15-21) is reserved for writers of color. The remainder of the window will be for general submissions. If you’re a writer of color who submits during that first week and you hear back from us before the general window closes, you’re welcome to send a second submission during that time.

  • Virginia Quarterly Review

Editorial Philosophy

Virginia Quarterly Review strives to publish the best writing we can find. While we have a long history of publishing accomplished and award-winning authors, we also seek and support emerging writers. A look at one of our latest issues will show you the diversity of voices we publish.

Poetry: All types and length.

Short Fiction: Length is from 2,500–8,000 words.

 We are generally not interested in genre fiction (such as romance, science fiction, or fantasy).

Nonfiction: Length is 3,000–7,000 words. We publish essays, memoir, and other types of literary journalism, as well as investigative reporting. 

Print Magazine Payment & Copyright

For poetry, we pay $200 per poem, up to 4 poems; for a suite of 5 or more poems, we usually pay $1,000.

For short fiction, we generally pay $1,000 and above. 

For other prose, such as personal essays and literary criticism, we generally pay $1,000 and above, at approximately 25 cents per word, depending on length. For investigative reporting, we pay at a higher rate, sometimes including pre-approved travel expenses. For long-form journalism, we often seek funders to support our writers directly, in addition to our own payments.

  • Rough Cut Press Magazine

We seek experimental work of all genres. To get a sense of what we publish please read some of our former issues. We don’t know what we like until we see it. Each month we announce a different theme, but please don’t worry if the work you submit doesn’t quite fit: we always build future issues around work that takes us by surprise.

If your work is selected for publication you can expect to hear from us within thirty days of submission.

Simultaneous submissions are encouraged; we ask that you notify us if your work is accepted elsewhere. Written submissions are limited to 650 words. We read blindly; please leave your name off of the submission itself. Please send one piece per submission, in PDF format. 

We do not charge a submission fee or a subscription fee; we offer all published artists a $25 honorarium as compensation.*

  • Brink Magazine

Through Submittable, we accept a variety of creative work from Nonfiction to Fiction, from Poetry to Translation. But our hearts beat strongest for hybrid work that falls into the cross-genre category we call Evocations. We are interested in work that presses boundaries, uses more than one medium to tell a story, and both looks and feels different on the page.

 Additionally, we look for submissions that engage the theme of each issue as well as the idea of being on the brink. 

Please submit only unpublished work and notify us if your simultaneous submission is accepted elsewhere. Payment for each contributor is one copy of the issue in which their work appears as well as:

$25  ||  Poem (per poem)
$50  ||  Work (less than 1500 words)
$50  ||  Art (1-3 Images)
$100  ||  Art (4+ Images)
$100  ||  Work (more than 1501 words)

  • Omenana Magazine

From Sudan to Mali, from Burkina Faso to Equatorial Guinea to Niger, one hears either of violent truncation of government or an attempt at seizing the reins of power by gun wielding soldiers who purport to act for the greater good of the country. 

Democracy, the system of governance that best serves the interest of the individual by allowing them a say in who governs them and how they are governed, is in peril. With this backdrop, Omenana Speculative Fiction Magazine in partnership with the National Democratic Institute (NDI) – a US-based non-governmental organisation that works to strengthen democracy – is calling for submissions for a special themed edition that explores positive visions of democracy.

Note that some of the stories in this special edition will form part of a global anthology edited by Dr. Amy Johnson in late 2022. Stories for the anthology will be selected from Omenana and two other great SF magazines from South America (Mafagafo and A Taverna) and an SF magazine based in Asia (Mithila Review)

  • Afreada Magazine
Afreada Magazine is currently open for Submissions. Interested writers are to follow the guidelines to submit their works.

What exactly are we looking for? 

Well, it varies. No two stories are the same, but in each case we’ll be looking for originality and creativity. We love a strong plot, we love getting to know characters, and we love getting to know you - so please remember to include a short bio.

We shape our publication around the stories you want to tell, so there’s no need to write towards a particular theme, but we would encourage you to spend some time reading some of our stories to familiarise yourself with what we’ve published so far. 

This is an English publication but feel free to include languages from home – we believe in the power of Google so we won’t be including glossaries.

  • Haven Speculative Magazine

It's our goal to publish diverse voices from around the world, and to do that, we are actively seeking stories, poems, and non-fiction pieces by authors from backgrounds that have been historically underrepresented in the science fiction and fantasy canon. Our submission cycle is therefore split into two categories, where every other month is explicitly reserved for submissions by authors of color, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and other underrepresented groups. The interposing six months remain open to everyone.

  • Ghost Orchid Press Anthology

The title of the next issue of Ghost Orchid Press is Rewired: An Anthology of Neurodiverse Horror. 

Each accepted Submissions will be paid for.

For our next major anthology, slated for release in September 2022, we’re looking for horror stories inspired by neurodiverse experiences. Stories about perception, communication, the feeling of being ‘differently wired’. Challenge us. Scare us. Show us the world the way you see it. We’d love to see work that encompasses the whole spectrum of neurodiverse experience. SF and fantasy elements are welcome as long as your story is primarily horror.

  • Lily Poetry Review

Lily Poetry Review is a literary magazine accepting submission from poets. You should check tm out to know more about their submission guidelines and publication.

  •  Invisible City Literary Journal

Invisible City is an online publication of the MFA in Writing Program at the University of San Francisco. Submit work that encourages us to see the world from new perspectives and different angles, ones that we may not have previously considered or imagined.

Currently, we accept poetry, creative nonfiction, fiction, and visual art.

  • Bluestem Magazine

Bluestem is an online journal, published thrice yearly. 

Please submit no more than 5 poems at one time, or one short story, or one creative non-fiction essay.

 Fiction / prose should be no longer than 5000 words. 

  • Shallow Tales Review 

The Shallow Tales Review accepts fiction, book reviews, poems, one-act plays, cultural and social essays, art photographs, and translations that touch on the sensibilities of the African.

Literary criticisms must concern texts that are of modern and African temperament. For essays, we expect themes to be tackled logically and as clearly as possible. By “modern,” we refer to books published at most 10 years before.

  • Belmont Story Review
Belmont Story Review is a national magazine of literary arts, faith and culture.
Established in 2016, the magazine aims to surprise and delight readers through an eclectic mix of storytelling which includes fiction, personal essay, and poetry at the intersection of faith and culture.

Belmont Story Review seeks to publish new and established writers passionate about their craft, fearlessly encountering difficult ideas, seeking to explore the human experience. We feature works of fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. "Faith" is not a specific religious perspective but a broad idea of faith is important for all of our selected publications.

  • Consequence Forum journal
Consequence Forum journal is one of the literary journals that pay writers for their works on each acceptance. To learn how to submit to Consequence Forum, follow the prescribed instructions below.

Consequence Forum Submissions
All submissions are welcome during the spring (January 15 - April 15) and fall (July 15 - October 15) reading periods, and will 
be considered for either our print publication (Consequence journal) or our website (Consequence online).

  • Epoch Magazine

EPOCH magazine publishes fiction, poetry, essays, cartoons, screenplays, graphic art, and graphic fiction. In continuous publication since 1947, the magazine is edited by faculty in the Department of English Program in Creative Writing at Cornell University. EPOCH appears three times per year: in September, January, and May. 

  • West Branch Magazine 

The editors of West Branch welcome submissions of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and translation. We normally read unsolicited manuscripts between August 1st and April 1st. We print only original, unpublished work. For accepted work, we purchase First North American serial rights.

Payment is awarded for accepted works in the amount of $50 per submission of poetry, and $.05/word for prose with a maximum payment of $100. 

Additionally, we provide each contributor with two copies of the issue in which his/her work appears and a one-year subscription to West Branch.

  • Mascara Literary Reviews 
Submissions to Mascara Literary Review are by e-mail. Our editors work on a voluntary basis. We only consider previously unpublished work, ie first serial rights, electronic and print.

 Simultaneous submissions are acceptable as long as we are notified immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.

  • En Bloc Magazine 

En Bloc Magazine accepts submission of Fiction, poetry, art and photography

EN BLOC prides itself on the freedom it affords it’s contributors. All styles and subject matters are welcome to submit and will be considered. However, due to the high volume of submissions we regret we can only respond to those which are successful.

  • New York Times' Headway 

Headway is a new initiative at The New York Times dedicated to exploring the world’s challenges through the lens of progress. That can mean a lot of things, of course; we started the project by asking what on earth progress means. But the easiest way to think about it is shifting the lens from describing a problem to exploring how people are trying to address it. We’re asking what is possible, and not just what is wrong.

What we want to see in a pitch:

We tend to get a certain type of pitch, a story about one novel project in a particular place. There are so many excellent-seeming, small programs in the world. These pitches generally don’t work for us.

We are more interested in pitches when the program is important enough to change conventional thinking, has good evidence of success and provides a lens through which we can tell a bigger story about larger ideas. These stories should have a larger meaning. We will be using only one or two such stories a month, so each story must carry weight, even if it is short.

Another type of pitch that could work for us is a positive deviant: data shows that a certain place is doing better against a certain problem than others with comparable resources

  • Orion's Belt Magazine
Orion's Belt Magazine accepts submission of poetry, short stories and art works. they pay upon acceptance of works.

  • Gettysburg Review Submissions

Gettysburg Review Submissions is announced open to accepts works from writers. Hence, interested writers are required to follow the foregoing submission guidelines for each category of works to be submitted. They accept poetry, essay, visual works, short stories etc.

About the Gettysburg Review

The Gettysburg Review, published by Gettysburg College, is recognized as one of the country’s premier literary journals. Since its debut in 1988, work by such luminaries as E. L. Doctorow, Rita Dove, James Tate, Joyce Carol Oates, Richard Wilbur, and Donald Hall.

Black Spot Books 

Black Spot Books does not accept unsolicited submissions. Prospective authors and illustrators must submit their work through an agent. Agents can submit to submissions@blackspotbooks.com.
Read the guidelines to submit to black spot anthology.

Black Spot Books is an established author-centric, traditional small press publisher of bestselling and award-winning dark fantasy and horror. We are an imprint of Vesuvian Media Group.

  • Mumber Mag 
Mumber Mag Submission is announced open for writers to submit their works. The submission is free

We pay $25 per poem or short, $50 per story.

Submissions will open in July 1 – Aug 1 and Dec 1 – Jan 1.

Fiction or Nonfiction or Translation or Poetry that is short and sweet enough to click on and read through.

We want stuff suited to the internet. That could mean short. It could mean it makes use of hyperlinks. Whatever. Surprise us. Make us laugh. Something between WS Merwin and McSweeney’s Internet Tendency. Or between Werewolf Bar Mitzvah and Lorrie Moore. That’s the sweet spot.

  • Lyric Magazine 

Founded in 1921, The Lyric is the oldest magazine in North America in continuous publication devoted to traditional poetry. We use rhymed verse in traditional forms, for the most part, with an occasional piece of blank or free verse. Forty or so lines is our usual limit. We print only poetry, no opinions, no reviews, no advertising. Our themes are varied, ranging from spiritual ecstasy to humor to raw grief, but we feel no compulsion to shock, embitter, or confound the readers. We also avoid contemporary political or social problems –grief but not grievances, as Frost put it. Frost is helpful in other ways: if yours is more than a lover’s quarrel with life, we’re not your best market. And most of our poems are accessible on first or second reading. Frost again: don’t hide too far away.

Poems must be original, unpublished, and not under consideration elsewhere. Please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope if poems are to be returned or a reply by USPS is expected. We do not publish translations. All contributors receive a complimentary copy of the issue containing their work and are eligible for quarterly and annual prizes totaling $700. No other payment is made.

  • Isele Magazine 
Isele Magazine is seeking submissions of essays, fiction, poetry, interviews, and book reviews.

We do not accept multiple submissions, but we do consider simultaneous submissions. Please let us know when your work has been accepted for publication elsewhere.

  • Aniko Magazine
Aniko amagzine accepts poetry, short stories etc. read more to submit

  • Wyldblood Magazine 

Wyldblood Magazine Submissions is open for writers to submit their works in the respective assigned category. To submit to wyldblood Magazine, ensure you follow the prescribed guidelines for Submission.

  • Planet Scumm Magazine

Planet Scumm accepts submissions from writers across the world. (Our HQ is a roving meteor-sized space station—Earth’s borders mean nothing to us. We want to hear from writers of every race, nationality, and gender identity.


Hard sci-fi, soft sci-fi, sci-fi that melts in your mouth-brain not your hand-brain

Speculative fiction, weird fiction, slipstream

Basically anything that pleases Scummy, our megaphone-toting slime buddy, will be considered for entry to the interstellar archive aboard Scummy’s saucer

  • Channel Magazine
We publish new, previously unpublished work that engages with the natural world. We have a particular interest in work which encourages reflection on human interaction with plant and animal life, landscape and the self. Each issue includes a mix of poetry and fiction, alongside a selection of essays which may include creative non-fiction, criticism, and the occasional review of new creative work or of community-based environmental projects. 

Although based in Ireland, Channel welcomes international submissions. We also welcome submissions in translation.

  • Lilith Magazine
Lilith Magazine welcomes submissions of high-quality, lively, original writing: reporting, analysis, opinion pieces, memoir, fiction and poetry with a feminist take on subjects of interest to Jewish women. Please do not send previously published work.

  • METASTELLAR Magazine  Year-round Submissions
MetaStellar editors welcome unpaid submissions and pitches all year round — in the form of reviews, essays, excerpts, and reprints — and typically respond in a week.

If your piece is accepted for publication, we will send you a contract giving us non-exclusive rights to edit and publish it, edits subject to your approval. 

  • Hermine Annual Magazine

Submit your short fiction to Hermine Annual for publication and pay. Hermine is a print-only journal of short fiction. 

To submit to Hermine Journal, follow the following guidelines.

  • Stories must be under 4000 words.
  •  Simultaneous submissions are fine, just notify us right away if your story is accepted elsewhere.
  •  Stories must be previously unpublished. 
  • Please include a short cover letter letting us know where you’re located.
  •  Include your publication history if you have one, but don’t let a lack of credits stop you from submitting. We want to hear from everyone.

  • Dream Pop Press Submissions: GENERAL GUIDELINES

Dream Pop Journal publishes contributor work every week on Tuesday. We are open for year-round submissions and never charge submission fees.

We welcome submissions from marginalized voices, and we are especially interested in publishing work from emerging writers working in experimental, non-narrative forms. Please send us your strange utterings, hybrid works, collaborative pieces, visual poetry, collages, and linguistic inventions. We hope that you will challenge the limits of what literature can be and that you will share your results with us.

  • The Journal Of Compressed Creative Arts

The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts is looking for, as you might guess, "compressed creative arts." They accept fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, mixed media, visual arts, and even kitchen sinks, if they are compressed in some way. Work is published weekly, without labels, and the labels here only exist to help them determine its best readers.

Their response time is generally 1-5 days. Also, our acceptance rate is currently about 3% of submissions. They pay writers $50 per accepted piece and signed contract.

  • Submit To Short Circuit Magazine

With Short Circuit, we’re hoping that each issue will add something new to inspire, delight, move, and challenge readers, transporting them outside of their daily lives, if even for five minutes. Sometimes Short Circuit will be themed; sometimes it won’t. If you submit a piece in April and it isn’t published in the next Short Circuit, that doesn’t necessarily mean it hasn’t been selected. It could simply be that it just wasn’t right for that particular issue.

Submissions must be short stories and poems of maximum 7,500 characters (spaces included) or children's works of maximum 7,000 characters. We pay 100 euros for each selected short story and 50 euros for each poem as an advance payment on the royalties that each author will receive on a yearly basis from the Short Story Dispenser subscriptions.

  • Protean Magazine Submissions
Protean is an online literary magazine that pays writers or contributor's for their works.

According to the Magazine,
 Exposure doesn’t pay the bills, so we do our best to compensate freelancers fairly, offering the highest rates that we can afford. We do not expect contributors to work on spec. We pay in full on acceptance—not on publication.

They accept poetry, short stories, essays, reviews etc and pay for them upon acceptance.

  • SmokeLong Magazine

SmokeLong publishes flash narratives--fiction, nonfiction, and hybrid--up to 1000 words. We do not consider poetry

Include the word count and a print-ready, third-person bio with your cover letter. We prefer a simple cover letter.

We pay $50/story, upon publication in the quarterly issue. Payment will be issued via PayPal, and the writer may be responsible for any associated fees if applicable.

  • Not Another Lit Mag
Not Another Lit Mag is an online literary magazine. The magazine takes inspiration from film parodies, pastiche art, and imitation poems. 

At Not Another Lit Mag, we tend to focus on work that is in conversation with pop culture. 

We enjoy ekphrastic poems that reflect on digital media, allusions to film tropes that characterize a speaker, meditations on pop icons. These are but a few examples. Not Another Lit Mag reads year-round. The magazine publishes continuously throughout the year. Upon publication, we will notify you of when your work will go live!  

We pay $15 per contribution. Payment will be sent upon your confirmation of the terms of acceptance. Payments will be made via PayPal. Details will be included in the acceptance letter.

  •  Adelaide Magazine Submissions

 Adelaide Literary Magazine is an independent literary magazine based in New York, USA. Adelaide Literary Magazine aims at publishing writers' works in the following genre:
  •  poetry
  • fiction
  • nonfiction
  •  artwork
  •  and photography, as well as interviews, articles, and book reviews, written in English and Portuguese. 

Adelaide Magazine publish print, digital, and online editions of their magazine twelve times a year. The online edition is updated continuously. Aside that, through Adelaide Books, they publish novels, memoirs, and collections of short stories, poems, and essays by contributing authors of our magazine. 

Adelaide Literary Magazine Submissions is open all year.

  • The Southampton Review 
The Southampton Review is a literary journal that publish writers works in various genres. They also pay writers for each accepted work.

They accept literary works in the following genres
  • Fiction
  • Non fiction
  • Poetry
  • Essay

That also accept fine art and photography.

Sneak Peak About The Southampton Review Submissions

The Southampton Review has been publishing compelling writing and art since 2007.

According to The Southampton Review:

Our goal in putting TSR together is to create a literary journal filled with debut, emerging, and established authors; a literary journal that is inclusive of marginalized voices; a literary journal in which our readers will find themselves represented.

Within our pages, readers will discover work from Safia Elhillo, Rick Moody, Meg Wolitzer, Tiphanie Yanique, Sharon Olds, Amy Hempel, Jeffrey McDaniel, Cornelius Eady, Timothy Liu, April Bernard, Aliki Barnstone, Katherine Faw, Major Jackson, Lisa Locascio, Cyrus Cassels, and Rachel Lyon, to name just a few. 

We’re always in search of writing and art that thrills and excites. We publish fiction, nonfiction, poetry, fine art, photography, and graphic stories and essays. We’re looking for the weird and wonderful, the story that gives us pause, something we haven’t read before. We encourage authors to take risks with form and voice.

They accept submissions from unpublished authors. They're more interested in voice-driven writing that takes risks with structure and content. You are to submit only one work per reading.

Their reading periods are:


  • Prose: $100+
  • Poetry: $75 per poem
  • Art Portfolios: $200
  • Illustration: $100 per page

  • Craft Magazine Submissions

CRAFT magazine is an online literary magazine that pay writers for their submitted works.

CRAFT explores the art of prose, celebrating both emerging and established writers. We focus on the craft of writing and how the elements of craft make a good story or essay shine. They feature new and republished fiction and creative nonfiction, as well as critical pieces on craft, interviews, book annotations, and much more.

Pay Rate:
Flash Fiction: $100

Original Short Fiction and Creative Fiction: $200

Essay/ Interview: $50/100

  • Unnerving Magazine Submissions 
The submission is open to authors from any country.

​What Unnerving Magazine Wants?

Unnerving Magazine accepts short story submissions of horror and suspense. Generally leaning toward horror.

Sex, gore and violence are welcome in moderation. Action over emotion, every time.

Please no hard science fiction, sword and sorcery fantasy, romance, humor that isn’t sinister or literary works that venture so far into experimental that they become nonsense, no cop dramas unless hard boiled gumshoe, no fan fiction, no war stories, no stories where rape is the lead character's motivator, and no blatant rip-offs. No Lovecraft characters, locations, or wording.​


Payment is 3¢/word for original fiction, 1¢/word reprint fiction, and $0.20 line for original poetry.

  • Factor Four Magazine 

For this submission, ensure you read and understand the conditions provided before attempting submission. This is very crucial to the subsequent contract if your work gets accepted.

Factor Four Magazine publish flash fiction in the genres of speculative fiction, specifically science fiction, fantasy, supernatural, super hero, or any combination of these.  We are looking for stories that are engaging to our readers in such a short word count.  Please take note of these factors (pun intended) when submitting stories to us.

Fiction is paid at a rate of eleven (11) U.S. cents per word based on our word processor’s word count and excludes title, author information, etc.  Payments can be made by check or PayPal.

Inclusion: Factor Four Magazine wants diverse voices and believes that inclusion is important in publishing a speculative fiction magazine. We accept stories from any writer regardless of their identity. We also want to help readers find stories written by people they identify with.  We have several “tags” that we can put on a story to help readers find these authors. Upon acceptance, authors are asked to voluntarily let us know which of these applies to them. This is 100% optional and only asked once the story is accepted.

  • Microchap Submissions 
Microchap Submission is one of the initiative of the kissing dynamite poetry. The magazine has been existing for years with more than 20 issues already published by them.

They also pay writers  $50 for each accepted works. Writers will also receiver 10 printed copies after Publication.

  • Cincinnati Review 
When: We accept submissions for the print journal generally during three time periods: September, December, and May. Those reading periods will open on the first day of the month and close once we hit the submissions cap for that period. It’s possible that we might have additional short reading periods if needed, which would open on the first of the month as well. Visit this site and our social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) to stay informed.

miCRo submissions are open nearly year-round, except while we’re accepting entries for the Robert and Adele Schiff Awards during the early summer, or if we experience a backlog in that category.

Where: Our online submission manager. (Those who have disabilities or are incarcerated can submit through the postal service; see our contact page for the address.)

Who: The Cincinnati Review welcomes submissions from writers at any point in their careers. Current and former students, faculty, and staff of the University of Cincinnati or their families are ineligible to submit unless they are more than two years removed from their affiliation with the university. We also ask contributors to wait a year after their appearance in any particular medium (print magazine or miCRo series) before submitting again.

What: We cannot consider previously published works, including those posted online, but we do accept simultaneous submissions (please contact us if individual poems are accepted elsewhere; please withdraw any prose pieces taken by another journal).

Our typical response time is six months, though we may take longer on occasion. Please don’t query until after a year: our submission manager system keeps the process reliable, so if your piece is listed as “received,” it’s still under consideration.

Please note: If we accept a piece, we prefer to work with the essay, poem, or story as submitted to us, not with later revisions, though we may suggest changes during the copyediting process.

We recommend that you read our mission statement and either work from the online series or copies of the print magazine before submitting your work. We also have some statements from our genre editors about the kinds of work they’re looking for available for your review.

How: The Cincinnati Review acquires first North American serial rights, including electronic rights; all rights revert to author upon publication. 


We pay $25/page for prose and $30/page for poetry in the print journal and give a free digital issue to all miCRo authors.

  • Nashville Review

Nashville Review seeks to publish the best work we can get our hands on, period. From expansive to minimalist, narrative to lyric, epiphanic to subtle: if it’s a moving work of art, we want it. We hope to provide a venue for both distinguished and emerging artists. Most importantly, thank you for giving us a chance to read your work. We appreciate it.


We consider submissions in Fiction, Poetry, Nonfiction, and Translation three times a year—January, May and September—and typically respond within 4-5 months. We welcome submissions in Art and Comics year-round. Currently, we are not accepting unsolicited reviews or interviews.


There is no fee to submit and we are proud to pay our contributors: $25 per poem and $100 for prose and art pieces.

  • Puritan Magazine

The Puritan Magazine invites writers to submit their works. Each received and accepted submission are compensated with cash Prizes worth more than $25. The cash prize also go as far as $250.

The Puritan literary magazine seeks submissions all year round, from anywhere in the world.

Their publication rates as of Summer 2019 are:







Ensure you check back with the literary magazine regularly.

  • Apex Magazine

Apex magazine open to short fiction submissions. Please read the guidelines below then submit your work via Moksha .

Our magazine is an SFWA-certified professional market.

Editor-in-Chief: Jason Sizemore
Managing Editor: Lesley Conner
Special Fiction Editor: Maurice Broaddus
Nonfiction Editor: ZZ Claybourne

1) Submit your work in Shunn Standard Manuscript Format (Modern or Classic). Your manuscript should be in DOC, DOCX, RTF, or ODT file format.

2) Maximum word length is a firm 7,500 words. Anything more will be auto-rejected.

3) Payment for original fiction is $.08 per word up to 7,500 words. Minimum of $50.

4) If we podcast your story, additional payment is $.01 per word up to 7,500 words.

  • Uncanny Magazine
Uncanny Magazine is CLOSED to all submissions. We will be opening to Novella (17,500 to 40,000 words) submissions from May 1 to May 15, 2022. 

Editors-in-Chief: Lynne M. Thomas and Michael Damian Thomas

Uncanny Magazine is seeking passionate, diverse SF/F fiction and poetry from writers from every conceivable background.  We want  intricate, experimental stories and poems with gorgeous prose, verve, and imagination that elicit strong emotions and challenge beliefs. Uncanny believes there’s still plenty of room in the genre for tales that make you feel.

Uncanny Magazine is a Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) Qualifying Professional Market.

  • Writers Space Africa Magazine

Writers Space Africa (WSA) magazine is accepting submissions for its 66th edition (June 2022 Edition). The theme for this edition is TECHNOLOGY.

We accept submissions in the following categories:

Articles/Essays – 1,200 Words maximum

Flash Fiction – 300 words maximum

Poetry – 1 poem, a maximum of 24 lines

Children’s Literature – 700 words maximum (illustrations may be attached)

Short Stories – 1,500 words maximum

  •  Akuko Magazine 

Only one entry is allowed for this competition. Multiple submissions are not acceptable. Multiple entries, in either the same or in a different category, will automatically disqualify you.

We define African not by the physical continent but by its descendants spread all over the Diaspora. As part of your submission, you will be asked to submit a 250-word bio, which should include information about how you self-identify

  • The Nigeria Newsdirect poetry column

Early January 2021, The Nigeria Newsdirect announces an inclusion of a weekly poetry column in its segments and O' boy! It has been doing amazingly great. 

The platform thereby serves as a podium for every poet to gain recognition within and outside Nigeria. A platform to share their ideas and concepts and the most interesting part, get paid for their works.

On Each poem after acceptance, a token of 5,000 naira is paid to the writer.

  • The Adriatic Magazine

The Adriatic Magazine has called out to sci-fi writers to submit their works for its upcoming issue 5.

They welcome submissions from all poets. Irrespective of whether you’ve been published a hundred times, or never been published before. They desire to hear from everyone!

They accept submission upon call for a new issue. hence, only submit when theres a call fro a submission for an issue.

  • Bourbon Penn Magazine Submission 

Bourbon Pen Literary Magazine accepts submissions from writers all over the world. In that regard, writers are also paid if their works get accepted.

They accept Fiction. 

Pay Rate: 2¢ / word

  • Vautrin Magazine

Vautrin Magazine has announced the submission for its new issue open. Writers can submit their works in the following categories.

  • Fiction 
  • Essay

Vautrin Magazine pay writers for each accepted work. Prizes For Accepted Submissions

$130.00 and two contributor’s copies for fiction over 2,000 words.

$65.00 and two contributor’s copies for fiction under 2,000 words.

$50.00 and two contributor’s copies for literary essays.

  • New Southern Fugitive

The New Southern Fugitives seeks previously unpublished writing and art for their biweekly zine. 

They pay contributors:

$40 per book review
$40 per poem
$15 per page of prose and essay(min $45, max $105)
$40 per photograph or piece of visual art

  • One Story Magazine
One Story Magazine is a literary magazine that accept reputable works from writers and pay them for each accepted work.

One Story Magazine Submission Guidelines:

One story magazine usually accept works during these periods.

January 15th - May 31st | October 4th - November 14th

What kinds of stories is One Story looking for?
One Story is seeking literary fiction. Because of our format, we can only accept stories between 3,000 and 8,000 words. 

They can be any style and on any subject as long as they are good. We are looking for stories that leave readers feeling satisfied and are strong enough to stand alone.

Does One Story pay?
Yes. One Story pays $500 and 25 contributors copies for First Serial North American rights. 

All rights will revert to the author following publication.

  • Dark Matter Magazine 2022

“Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.” -Stephen King

Dark Matter Magazine is proud to announce our first foray into trade publishing with a new horror anthology edited by Sadie Hartmann and Ashley Saywers of Night Worms. The anthology will include at least 80,000 words of new horror fiction curated by Sadie and Ashley, and the book will be included in a future Night Worms book box. The tentative publish date for the anthology is October 2022.

  • Screen Door Review

We accept and encourage simultaneous submissions. If your work is accepted by another publication, please let us know by leaving a note in your submission. No need to withdraw the entire submission.

Screen Door Review accepts Poetry and Flash Fiction

  • Scholastic Canada Manuscript and Art 2022 

Scholastic Canada publishes recreational reading for children and young people, ages 0–14. Our publishing focus is on books by Canadians or of Canadian interest that engage children by reflecting their own contemporary experiences, affirm positive portrayals of people with differing experiences, and celebrate Canada’s diverse communities.

Submission guidelines for the Scholastic Canada Writers and Illustrators are listed separately below. Please read the appropriate section and follow the guidelines.

  • Black Explorer Magazine

  • Dread Machine Anthology

Dread Machine Anthology is an anthology that calls for the submission of works from writers. Upon selection, writers are paid for their submitted work.

However, this is not done frequently. It'll be in your interest to check if they're currently accepting submission for their current anthology.

Entry Fee: None required

  • Room Magazine
Room publishes fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and art by folks of marginalized genders, including but not limited to women (cisgender and transgender), transgender men, Two-Spirit and nonbinary people. 

We specifically encourage writers with overlapping under-represented identities to submit their work. 

  • Emergent Literary Magazine
Submissions are now open on a rolling basis!
We welcome work from Black and brown makers in all genres, as well as work that reaches across multiple genres or obscures the boundaries between them. 

The work must be previously unpublished in print or online.

Before submitting, we ask that you take a look at our mission statement as well as past issues in order to get a sense of how your work might fit in the journal. 

  • Gemini Magazine
Gemini Magazine is an independent literary journal established in 2009. We are open to creative work from writers and artists around the world, and have no rules. As jazz great Charlie “Bird” Parker put it, “There’s no boundary line to art.”

They accept previously unpublished fiction, poetry, essays, memoirs, short plays or other interesting work.

Entry Fee: None required.

  • Quarterly Magazine Submissions

CROW TOES QUARTERLY:  ART & LITERATURE FOR CHILDREN WHO DON'T SCARE EASILY reads general submissions ALL YEAR ROUND. But please note that we only read and respond to submissions that follow our guidelines.

We are looking for "playfully dark", intelligent, humorous, descriptive literature written for children ages 8 - 13.

 We invite poetry and fiction

  • Split Lip Magazine

All submissions are currently being considered for our monthly online issues and our annual print issue. In an effort to promote Black voices, Split Lip Magazine is opening free submissions for Black writers in all genres. Before you smash the submit button, get the deets below! 👇🏾

Split Lip Magazine Payment

We pay (via PayPal) $50 per author for poems, memoirs, flash, fiction, and art, and $25 for interviews/reviews for our web issues. Payment for print is $5 per page, minimum of $20, plus 2 contributor copies.

  • Cemetery Gates Media Magazine
Cemetery Gates Media was founded in 2015 by longtime friends John Brhel and Joe Sullivan and focuses on publishing fantasy and supernatural fiction. Cemetery Gates Media is based in Binghamton, New York.

They have published a number of anthologies that seemed to do well, and they have paid all contributors. The anthologies reflect a wide range of work. It’s important to note that the bulk novels and short story collections they’ve published in the past have all been self-publishing endeavors, which is to say they mostly published their own work.

They have excellent covers but they do not mention a print distributor, which usually means they do not have one.

  • Phantom Kangaroo Magazine

Phantom Kangaroo Magazine is currently open for submission. Writers and artists are to submit their best works for them to get features in the next Phantom Kangaroo Magazine issue.

Phantom Kangaroo is published twice a year and features 13 poems by 13 poets. Poetry and art submissions are accepted on a periodic basis

  • Hireath Books Magazine Submissions

Submissions are accepted Feb 1 – Mar 31, Jun 1 – Jul 31, Oct 1 – Nov 30.

Anything submitted will be left unread. Hireath Books Magazine accepts submission in various genres such as poetry, fiction etc.

  • Gemini Spice Magazine Calls For Submission

Gemini Spice Magazine is the first-ever Kenyan Literary Magazine built on African Feminist and Socialist Ideologies. It accepts submissions from writers of all decent. However, it does not accept works that contain stereotypes, marginalizing Africans, women, poor people, the LGBTQ community, or contains hate speech

Gemini Spice Magazine 2022

In 2022, Gemini Spice Magazine currently accepts submissions from writers of all descents. 

The deadline is 30th June.

  • Pulp Literature Submissions
What we’re looking for

Any genre or between-genre work of literature, or visual art (black and white for interiors, colour for covers) up to 50 pages in length. Short stories, novellas, poetry, comics, illustrations — bring it on. We do not publish non-fiction, memoir, or young adult and children’s stories.

 Aside from that, we want anything entertaining and well written.

  • RiddleBird Magazine
We are happy to publish work that celebrates the joy of reading and writing across different reading preferences. The marketplace can divide us based on our reading tastes, but riddlebird can strive to make a space for more diversity (of interest, of authorship, of meaning).

Young Mag Submissions Guidelines
Young Mag is currently open for submission. Writers who are interested are required to submit their works following the submission guidelines.

Submit your work to submissions@youngmag.io
We pay 50$ if your work is accepted. We pay electronically via Paypal or Zelle.
We accept flash fiction, short story, non-fiction, poetry, diary entries, and excerpts.

Read More
  • Woven Poetry
My Woven Poetry is an anthology of poetry currently calling unto writers and poets to submit their best poems and stand a chance to be featured on their website.

Each month they supply a compelling image and invite writers – published or unpublished – to submit a piece in response to the provided image.

They accept only poetry.

Entry Fee: $0

  • Love Letters To Poe Magazine 

Love Letters to Poe will be open for original gothic short stories and poems inspired by "The Fall of the House of Usher" from February 1 through March 31, 2022.  


What we’re looking for: 

- Original gothic fiction and poetry directly inspired by "The Fall of the House of Usher"

  • Hudson Review
The Hudson Review publishes fiction, poetry, essays, book reviews; criticism of literature, art, theatre, dance, film, and music; and articles on contemporary cultural developments.

We read unsolicited submissions.

  • Chestnut Review

Chestnut Review appears four times per year online and once per year in print in our annual anthology. We are drawn to beautiful language, resonant images, and we crave narrative. We enjoy a broad array of styles, but please read a few of our issues to get a sense of our lens.

  • Lost Boys Press Fall 2022 Anthology

Lost Boys Press is pleased to announce that we will be accepting short story submissions through April 1st, 2022.

We will choose 8-12 submissions to be published in our 2022 fall anthology, Great Wars! Accepted works will be paid $50 cash prize.

  • Gordon Square Review

Gordon Square Review, a publication of Literary Cleveland, holds two open readings periods each year. The journal will reopen for general submissions from writers of all geographic locations on January 15, 2022 and will remain open through April 1, 2022. Writers accepted for publication receive $25 per prose piece and $10 per poem.

  • The Other Stories 

If you think you’ve got what it takes to terrify, scar and haunt our audience of ~150k monthly listeners, then we want your stories! If accepted, we'll get our fantastic narration team to lend their voices, our editor will sprinkle some magic pixie dust on the track, and you could have your story heard by thousands of listeners each week.

  • Salamander Magazine Submissions

Salamander, which is published biannually, features poetry, fiction, and nonfiction; our open reading period for 2021-2022 is October 1–April 1, with a holiday break between late December and early January. 

Manuscripts sent outside of this reading period will be returned or discarded. Although we do not accept works submitted by email, you are welcome to submit work through our online submission manager.

Salamander is committed to participating in the ongoing conversation and practice regarding inclusion and equity. To this end, we encourage submissions from underrepresented voices and writers from marginalized communities.

Literary Magazines Accepting Submissions 2021  From Writers

Note: Pawners Paper has no affiliation with the organizers of the contests or magazines.



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A,1,African,65,Annual Writing Contest,16,Art and Photography,1,Articles,191,Book Reviews,10,Call for Submission,101,Contest,491,Education,22,Essay Contests,65,Featured Profile,2,Fiction,15,Flash Fiction,5,Freelancing,6,HAIKU,3,Interview,10,Listing,2,Literary Events,7,Literary Magazines,121,Literary News,92,Literature,14,MUSE,4,News,52,Newsletter,1,Non-Fiction,4,Opportunities,158,Photography,12,Poetry,97,Popular Authors Biographies,7,Publishers weekly,2,Romance,12,Shop Here,4,SHORT STORIES,17,
Pawners Paper: Literary Magazines Accepting Submissions 2025 — Pawners Paper
Literary Magazines Accepting Submissions 2025 — Pawners Paper
This is compiled list of literary magazines accepting submissions 2025. You can enter literary magazines call for submission in 2025. Free entry.
Pawners Paper
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