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10 Things You Should Know About OkadaBooks — Pawners Paper

Okadabooks is a publishing platform, making it easier for authors to sell their books and ensuring that people can read and write with any form.

Okadabooks: What Book Authors And Readers Should know

Okadabooks logo png

OkadaBooks is a Nigeria online bookstore majorly for readers and authors in order to champion literacy in the less-educated communities around the world. According to Okada Books data, 1 out of 3 Nigerians cannot read! Thus, They intend to promote literacy through mobile technology across sub-saharan Africa and also make books more affordable and available.

Literally, Okadabooks is a publishing platform, making it easier for authors to sell their books and ensuring that people can read and write with any form of their device at an affordable price.

The online bookstore partners with huge establishment such as Google, Union banks among many others. They seek to inspire, educate, and organize writing contests. Few of which , have gotten some writers publishing contracts.

In Nigeria, which has some downtime when it comes to literacy, technology development, and little or no access to resources, Okadabooks publishing is quite an advancement. Okadabooks has set the pace for online books publishing, similar to Amazon Kindle publishing.

Here, we'll be unveiling 10 interesting facts about Okadabooks that you don't know about.

10 Interesting Facts About OkadaBooks 

  • Who is the founder of Okadabooks?
Okadabooks founder is Okechukwu Ofili. He is an electrical engineering graduate from the University of Houston in USA. He is quite a genius as he came out top 5 among the University engineering graduates.

He is also an author. He started writing in the US and one of his earliest books was "How Laziness Saved Me."

  •  What birthed the idea of "Okada Books"?
Okadabooks came up as an innovation to tack the challenges that align themselves with publishing, especially local publishing. 

The founder of Okadabooks, Okechukwu Ofili, highlighted few reasons that birthed the idea of Okada Books in an interview. Most of his reasons strain down to the constraints among the author, publishing agency or company, and poor indigenous access to books. 

Okechukwu Ofili specifically mentioned that he had to embark on an online campaign in order to get the publisher of his first book "how stupidity saved me" pay him. This was done after a number of failed attempts.

Hence, in order to mitigate these hardships that authors face and harness the power of mobile technology in advancing literacy, the idea of Okadabooks came about.

  • How the name Okadabooks was gotten?
The word Okada is indigenous to the Yoruba language and people. The literal meaning of Okada is motorcycle. The name "Okadabooks" came about when the author was riding Okada in his dream.

He compared the ability of the Okadas to bypass congested roads of Nigeria, yet offering cheaper, faster means of transportation to the publishing reality in Nigeria. How strenuous, poor, high cost, the Nigeria publishing can be. He thereby devise a way to proffer solution to the problems.

Now with Okadabooks, book publishing is faster, cheaper, more accessible to readers, and flexible.

  • What Okada Books Have Been Able To Achieve Over The Years
Since Okadabooks started the online publishing race, it has been able to cart away with some eye catchy trophies. Interestingly, this has been driven more towards its focus and goals, which is the extension of literacy.

Okadabooks is able to brag of 5 million pages being read annually on its site; Also
43,966 books in the online Library
18 million minutes users have spent reading
  • 420,533 readers.
  • As an attachment to its success in giving back to the society
  • It has donated books to over 10,000 pupils. And also taught primary school student how to make use of smart phone. 
  • It has also organized writing contests that are sponsored by the business Giants.

  •  Submission of articles on their blog.
Apart from publishing writers' books, they also accept Submissions from writers with a limited words count. They accept works in the following genres:

  1. Poetry: 200 words (max)
  2. Short Story: 500 words (max).
  3. Book review: 700 words (max).
  4. Essay, creative non-fiction and other Literary pieces.

Before Submission, you are required to edit your work properly before it can be published on Okadabooks. They don't accept previous publication.

Please ensure that you edit your work properly, and use paragraphs, they don’t bite. Badly written works will be rejected.
However, for this section, Okadabooks doesn't pay writers. Writers are advised to submit to their website instead, where they can make money off their books.

Note: Works that are above the required word counts are to be published on their website instead.

  • Okadabooks provide Author Services.
They provide services to authors in order to ensure their book are well published. The services they offer are;
  • Book Editing Services
  • Book cover designs
  • Ghostwriting
  • Epub conversion
  • ISBN registration
  • Manuscript Critique

Hence, anyone can hire them.

  • How To Publish On Okadabooks For Free
Have you ever asked the question " how do I publish my book on Okadabooks for free"?

Well here's the right answer for you.

Publishing on Okadabooks is free and the author reserves the right to the book, including the eCopy of the book. Also, there's no limitation to the price an author can place on his books. This is an exclusive freedom duly recognized by the book publisher.

There are three ways to publish books on Okadabooks. In the publishing section, writers are advised to carefully chose the one that seems less stressful.

  • First Method: Creating an ePub within OkadaBooks
  • Second Method: Using Google Docs (For Books without Images apart from their covers)
  • Third Method: Using Sigil (Recommended for Comicbooks and Magazines)

 However, the most commonly used is the first method.
Okadabooks does not accept books that contain hate and violence or those that are pirated.

  • Okadabooks pay authors for their books
Authors are paid for their books on Okadabooks, just like Amazon.  Although, the books are published freely, Okadabooks retains 30% commission while the books are sold. While the authors retain  the remaining 70%

  • Download Okadabooks app
Okadabooks also have a web application for writers and readers to access their platform freely and easily on their phones. To download Okadabooks app, you can visit Google play and search for "Okadabooks app".

  •  How To buy books on Okadabooks.
Below are the easy steps on how to buy books on Okadabooks.

  •  Step 1: Go to OkadaBooks app or web page. Login to your account and use the search tab. 
  • Step 2: Click on the search bar  or tap on it. Then I out the title of the book you want to buy.
  • Step 3: After typing in the book title, hit GO on your phone /tab, or ENTER on your computer/laptop keyboard.
  • Step 4: After the book shows up after searching, click on the title for the main page to come up.
  • Step 5: If you scroll below the page, you'll see the Buy button. Please click on it to buy the book.



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A,1,African,65,Annual Writing Contest,16,Art and Photography,1,Articles,192,Book Reviews,10,Call for Submission,101,Contest,491,Education,22,Essay Contests,65,Featured Profile,2,Fiction,15,Flash Fiction,5,Freelancing,6,HAIKU,3,Interview,10,Listing,2,Literary Events,7,Literary Magazines,121,Literary News,92,Literature,14,MUSE,4,News,52,Newsletter,1,Non-Fiction,4,Opportunities,158,Photography,12,Poetry,97,Popular Authors Biographies,7,Publishers weekly,2,Romance,12,Shop Here,4,SHORT STORIES,17,
Pawners Paper: 10 Things You Should Know About OkadaBooks — Pawners Paper
10 Things You Should Know About OkadaBooks — Pawners Paper
Okadabooks is a publishing platform, making it easier for authors to sell their books and ensuring that people can read and write with any form.
Pawners Paper
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