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Amazon Nigeria : Amazon Nigeria Online Shopping and Shipping | Pawners Paper

Amazon Nigeria is a section of the Amazon company. You'll get guides on Amazon Nigeria Online Shopping, does Amazon ship to Nigeria and is Amazon safe

Amazon Nigeria Online Shopping

Amazon Nigeria

Amazon Nigeria is a section of the Amazon company; a large company well reputed for online products sales and delivery across the world. The word "Amazon Nigeria" is a coined name for the company for those who are residents of Nigeria.

Nigeria online shopping is at a considerable stage, a not yet balanced scale and it's dominated by major online shopping and delivery companies like Jumia, Konga etc. Funny enough, for some of these companies to get product that outside Nigeria, they often need to affiliate with online shopping companies like Amazon. Hence, the need for Amazon Nigeria shopping.

That well said, there are many benefit one can incur by shopping directly from Amazon than going through Amazon. It saves time, shipping and delivery cost and most times, goods in good shapes and no default.

In the time past, Amazon Nigeria online shopping was impossible but no more. However, certain items are restricted. Such as, used laptops or other gadgets. 

Does Amazon Ship To Nigeria?

Yes, Amazon does ship to Nigeria. If you live in Nigeria and have tried to buy something from Amazon, there are chances that you’ve ran into some difficulties. The most visible issue is that your item can’t be shipped to Nigeria. However, there are strategies to follow in order to have your desired items or products delivered to you safely.

Can I Buy From Amazon in Nigeria

Of course, you can buy from Amazon in Nigeria. All you are required to do in order to buy products from Amazon in Nigeria is to select the products and follow the guidelines.

There is a guidelines provided below for the ordering and delivery of goods from Amazon.

Does Amazon Offer Free Shipping To Nigeria?

No, Amazon Nigeria does not offer free shipping to Nigeria. One of the most obvious reasons is the distance. Hence, you'll likely pay around 4,000 naira as shipping price for your selected items.

It's advisable to buy product in bulk as to avoid extravagant charges. Most Amazon Nigeria Online Shopping packages will be delivered to or by the Nigeria Postal Services.

Is there any Amazon Nigeria Office?

No. There is no Amazon Nigeria office for the order and delivery of goods, and the only way to connect of lay complaints to them is though their customer services.

Is Amazon In Nigeria

There is amazon in Nigeria. However, the office is not for online shopping. The Amazon Nigeria office is specifically for Amazon Web Service; a subsidiary of the product Amazon offers.

There are three ways to order from Amazon to Nigeria.
Amazon Nigeria Online Shopping

1 —The easiest and mostly used method to order goods from Amazon to Nigeria is Direct Shipping. This is hitch free. To order on Amazon Nigeria, follow the steps below:

How To Order Items For Amazon  Nigeria Residents:

  1. Search for amazon.com on Google or any other search engines.
  2. Log in to your Amazon account. If you don't have one, it's advisable you create.
  3. Search for the products you intend to order on the search bar provided on the top page of the Amazon website
  4. Click on the product. 
  5. Then click on "Buy". If you intend to buy more than one products, then click on the product and at the bottom of the next page, Click on "Add To Cart". Do this repeatedly while selecting other products. Then 
  6. The next page is a well provided spaces for you to input your address and other necessary information for shipping. Ensure you input the right address.
  7. Then click on "deliver to this address"
  8. On the next page, click on add "add debit or credit card". This is a section for you to buy the product with your ATM card by providing the requested information. Then click "Add Card"
  9. Follow the instructions and information on the next page regarding the date of delivery and others.
Amazon Nigeria online shopping has paved way for faster shipping across the globe. They are trusted and reliable enough.

  • Another method is to forward the item you bought on amazon.com to the address of your friend or acquaintance in United States. This works very well if he or she will be visiting in a couple of weeks. If that's not the case, it's advisable to make use of the first method.

  • The third method is to "Make use of other delivery agents."

Here are some answers to some few questions that may be bothering your mind on Amazon Nigeria below.
Amazon Nigeria

 What is Amazon Flex In Nigeria?

Amazon Flex is the company’s delivery platform that enables independent contractors to deliver packages for Amazon.

 Flex was originally launched in 2015 by Amazon to gain greater control over its value chain and speed up last-mile delivery.

Here are some cool tips to know about Amazon Flex In Nigeria

  • Amazon Flex drivers retrieve a bundle of packages from their local Amazon warehouse. The packages are organized into specific, narrow geographies, allowing each driver to concentrate on a subset of adjacent streets for that day’s deliveries.
  • Drivers use the Amazon Flex app to get the details of each delivery: the address it’s being delivered to, delivery placement, special requests, etc.
  • Drivers complete the block of deliveries in 3-5 hours. Amazon Flex drivers can sign up for multiple delivery blocks in one day, enabling them to earn a competitive wage delivering Amazon packages.
  • Since Amazon Flex drivers are independent contractors, not Amazon employees, they generally do not wear Amazon-branded apparel, and they make their deliveries using their personal vehicles



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Pawners Paper: Amazon Nigeria : Amazon Nigeria Online Shopping and Shipping | Pawners Paper
Amazon Nigeria : Amazon Nigeria Online Shopping and Shipping | Pawners Paper
Amazon Nigeria is a section of the Amazon company. You'll get guides on Amazon Nigeria Online Shopping, does Amazon ship to Nigeria and is Amazon safe
Pawners Paper
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