--> "1441" "My Ancestors Anxiousness" And Other Three Poems By John Chinaka Onyeche — Pawners Paper | Pawners Paper

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"1441" "My Ancestors Anxiousness" And Other Three Poems By John Chinaka Onyeche — Pawners Paper

The indefinite that became definite, You could have looked for a way out. Bringing with you to my ancestors,

John Chinaka, the poet, could be said to be the "watch man of the black continent" as his lines transports the readers' minds back in time to reveal moments that dictated and radically influenced the Africans present and culture. In "My Ancestors Anxiousness", he criticized the past leaders or trading the land and their kinsmen for stipends due to greed, while "1441" also shares similar, but a bit different theme as it geared more toward slavery and the crude of the colonial masters.

The elixir of perfection wasn't entirely left out as it reflected in "For You My Life". Also, "In When You Write", the poet tells the popular story every writer tells as he ends with "your poem is your soul speaking".  The last poem, "Holy Edifice" gives a deep insight into religion, doctrines and religion houses.

John Chinaka was able to make the taste go round!

For you my wife


This is a rose for you 
From the hills of the eastern lands 
These white petals  
Drip waters that heal 

Savour its ancient perfume
The scent of frosted air
The morning dew in winter 
I bring this rose home 
To care for it as it grows 

Rejoice in all that it tells of love 
Of the eastern lands
Of longing and adventure 
Till the end of my days
Here is the rose 
We both will love 


In their anxiousness to win favours, 
In the eyes of the navigators, men across the sea 
They gave them, our most valued possessions 
Our young and vibrant men and women 
The strength of our fatherland, 
Even the gods were silent and blind 
Remembering not our dances at full moon 
And we became like birds without nets 
For the prince over the sea foresees 
My ancestors and their anxiousness 
He found nothing else to equal his favour
But the strength of his fatherland 
The nourished bull milked to death at will 
African young men and women 
Shipped across the high Atlantic sea 
Some against their own will cries 
And many for the evil sown as conquest 
Voluntary many on board the ship no return 
In my ancestor's anxiousness to gain 
From the men at the seashore as gods 
He gave his land for exploitation and siege 
Human and natural resources exploits 
Our devotion to worship the gods 
In turn diverted to the men seen at the sea
In their anxiousness to gain, Africans sold their future


The indefinite that became definite, 
You could have looked for a way out. 
Bringing with you to my ancestors, 
Good news instead of humiliations. 
You are a curse to events of time alas! 

Antam, you who hunted to and fro, 
The sea lions in the souls of kinsmen, 
You hunted them like a good hunter, 
As their valued labouring as the oil, 
And their blood on the vessels cries, 
Africa is hunted as sea lions ashore. 

Rio de Oro the land where stood first, 
Prester John the legendary priest of Africa, 
At your name men were captured alas! 
Looked upon to see if they could find you, 
Men presented to you oh! Prince Henry, 
For we understand humanity at heart, 
You rather have chosen to raid and enslave us, 
Quest for annihilation of a people. 

1434, the footsteps seen at the shore, 
They were not the lion skins you seek, but of my kinsmen's backs you torn, 
1441 the blood of my ancestors dirge 
Flowing at the Atlantic Ocean red 
They were not the oil of the sea lions 
Their gold in your quest you made them cry

Your poems turned you 
They tell the hidden truths 
Leaving no stones unturned 
As the wit flows from within 
They unveils mysteries of life 

Just like the rivers flows 
From the hills of Lebanon, down 
Every drops waters the desert 
You free yourself from thoughts 
Thousands of them that entangles 
The realities within your heart speaks

Write them down as it bubbles 
Within your hearts are sparks 
There are souls it becomes a balm to 
Healing their broken hearted 

Like the life giving water is placed 
On the tip-top of a dying man's lips 
Reviving and revitalizing the whole 
Causing life to be found again 
Your poem is your soul speaking


Holy edifices built not with fist 
/ above humans destructions 
Lies the glorious souls of men 
/ the holy temple of the lord 

Not houses built by men 
/ where dwells hypocrisy 
Impure thoughts and desires 
/ to hurt one's neighbours 
Such is not a perfect fit  
/ for God dwells within purity

Holy edifice built not edifice 
/ physical to men glory in view 
But daily revisiting the abode 
/ where the indwelling dwells 
Spirit and invisibility anchors


John Chinaka Onyeche (Rememberajc) is a poet from Nigeria, writing from the metropolitan city of Port Harcourt Rivers State. 

He is an undergraduate student at Ignatius Ajuru University Of Education Port Harcourt Rivers State, Nigeria. 

He is Pursuing his first degree in History and Diplomatic Studies 

His writings are more on spoken word poetry, and has appeared on many journals and online publication websites, and publishers has his works published within Nigeria and outside. Places like, 

Spillwords.com |Melbourne culture corner |Nnoko.org|TunaFishjournal.com|Olympiapublishers.com|Moreporkpress.com|Nymphspublications.com|Ethelzine.com|Youthmagazine.com|Acumen.co.uk

John Chinaka Onyeche (Rememberajc) loves to pen down every thought of his heart as a young man and he wishes to be found in the soil of literary world some day as he works on his first poetry collection titled: I AM FINDING MYSELF





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Pawners Paper: "1441" "My Ancestors Anxiousness" And Other Three Poems By John Chinaka Onyeche — Pawners Paper
"1441" "My Ancestors Anxiousness" And Other Three Poems By John Chinaka Onyeche — Pawners Paper
The indefinite that became definite, You could have looked for a way out. Bringing with you to my ancestors,
Pawners Paper
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