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The Difference Between Copywriting and Content Writing : The Art Of Writing — Pawners Paper

The difference between copywriting and content writing explained further with other concept like content creation and their relations and importance

The Difference Between Copywriting and Content Writing : The Art Of Writing

Difference between copywriting and content writing

Copywriting vs. Content Writing

Until recently, the difference between copywriting and content writing has been an issue with incongruity as to their true meanings. Some, even go as far as relating copywriting to copyright, but this short post will give a better guide as to what both; copywriting and content writing and their differences.

Definition of Copywriting?

Copywriting is an art or style of writing a sales copy for the purpose of making profit.

This is simply when you write a content tailored specifically to make more sales, convince prospective customers to drive more sales either for a brand or client. The primary goal of copywriting is to advertise a product or service and make sale.

You must have noticed something right? Yes, sales copy, for those that did! 

What is sales copy? Sales copy is whatever you read that made you purchase an item, products or hire for services. Sales copy and copywriting is often treated synonymously.

The difference between copywriting and content writing?

Copyright is a legal right a writer, artist or artiste has over his or her works. It's a very wide concept in the legal field and it's specifically created to help the aforementioned categories of people protect their works from plagiarism. While Copywriting is a different concept entirely.

Copywriting has become a goldmine in the marketing industry, as the immense demands and needs for it in marketing plans is appreciating daily. Examples of Copywriting are those short words you see on billboards, those compelling words that convince you make a purchase. It's a major tool in advertising. 

However, with the aid of digital platforms like Fiverr, upworks, freelancer and many others, the art of copywriting has widened beyond closed doors of companies as anyone can be a copywriter and get jobs done within the comfort of his or her home. Often times, copywriting are short and concise. They are not meant to bore the reader, though short yet effective and lucrative. 

My advise? Learn copywriting! I'm thinking of starting a course on one very soon.
Difference between copywriting and content writing

Content writing!

Content writing seems to be a wider concept compared to copywriting. Content writing can be simply explained as the art of creating or writing content to satisfy a particular purpose. It includes content creator, copywriting and SEO writing. The only difference between the three kinds of content writing are the ways they create contents.

We can just agree that the name is just for territorial recognition.

Hence, Copywriting is a kind of content writing. Copywriting is strictly written to make sales and in some cases to draw traffic to a page but it boils down to making sales.

Content writer and copywriter. Hence, one may ask, is a content writer the same as a copywriter?

The answer is YES!

A copywriter is someone who writes copy. He is also a content writer.

Also, you may also come across question like, what's the difference between a copywriter and content creator?

While you may be satisfied you understood what the concept of copywriting is, there's still some slack as to the knowledge of content creation. Hence, what is content writing?

Content creation is written or made for many reasons either to enlighten, advertise, create visibility etc. Content can be created in form of video, audio, flyer, memes etc
Difference between copywriting and content writing

Difference between a copywriter and content writer?

As stated earlier, a copywriter is someone that writes copy for the purpose of driving sales while a content writer writes to enlighten, advertise, create visibility and many others.



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Pawners Paper: The Difference Between Copywriting and Content Writing : The Art Of Writing — Pawners Paper
The Difference Between Copywriting and Content Writing : The Art Of Writing — Pawners Paper
The difference between copywriting and content writing explained further with other concept like content creation and their relations and importance
Pawners Paper
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