Top 20 haiku poems in 2025 written by famous haiku authors compiled for readers. Haiku poems originated from japan and has continued to prominence.
Famous Haiku Poems In 2025
Haiku poems by its definition is a form of poetry with 17 syllables arranged in 5,7,5 syllables respectively in three lines. Its originality in haiku is clearly defined among poets and writers who are fan of this particular form of poetry.
In this blog post, we have curated some of the famous haiku poems that were written by famous haiku authors. Although, we decided to add 10 haiku poems written by Basho due to his prominence and his impact in the development of haiku poems.
In addition to the haiku works of Basho, we equally included the works of other contemporary haiku authors. They are more likely to peek your interest.
Note: Since some of the poems are translated from Japanese language to English, they might not comply with the haiku rules of 5,7,5 syllables as a result of the translation.
Top 20 Haiku Poems
owner of the old thatched hutIs also changed to anotherIt’s the Doll’s Festival.
Spring is passing.The birds cry, and the fishes’ eyes areWith tears.
The summer grasses.All that remainsOf warriors’ dreams.
The early summer rainFall and fall yetLeave untouched Hikari-do Hall.
Oh, tranquility!Penetrating the very rock,A cicada’s voice.
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The rains of summer join together.How swift it isMogami River.
The old pondA frog leaps in.Sound of the water.
When you say something,The lip feel cold.The Autumn wind.
While rolling the Chimaki dumpling,The other hand hold,Her bangs.
Sicking on journey,My dream run aboutA desolate field.
11. “A World of Dew” by Kobayashi Issa
A world of dew,And within every dewdropA world of struggle.
12. “Lighting One Candle” by Yosa Buson
The light of a candle
Is transferred to another candle—
Spring twilight
13. “A Poppy Blooms” by Katsushika Hokusai
I write, erase, rewrite
Erase again, and then
A poppy blooms.
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14. “Over the Wintry” by Natsume Sōseki
Over the wintryForest, winds howl in rageWith no leaves to blow.
15.“In a Station of the Metro” by Ezra Pound
The apparition of these faces in the crowd;Petals on a wet, black bough.
16. “The Taste of Rain” by Jack Kerouac
The tasteOf rain—Why kneel?
17. Sonia Sanchez “Haiku [for you]”
love between us isspeech and breath. loving you isa long river running.
18. Ravi Shankar “Lines on a Skull”
life’s little, our headssad. Redeemed and wasting claythis chance. Be of use.
19. Joyce Clement “Birds Punctuate the Days”
PeriodOne blue egg all summer longNow gone
So I decided to include the one I wrote.
20. "Darkness In Sight" by Adedeji Adebusuyi
The stars out of sightWith anger comes by, the nightHence, the end comes forth.
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To develop in writing haiku poems, there are some basics haiku rules to have at the back of your mind. Basically, haiku is one of the oldest form of poetry and its origin is dated back to centuries ago. Despite that, the structures of the rules of haiku poems are still strictly complied with by contemporary poets.
The rules of haiku poems include:
Characteristics of haiku poetry:
- All haiku poems must be short and in three lines
- All haiku poems must have the 5-7-5 syllable
- All haiku poems must have the theme on either nature or season.
Deviation from the aforementioned rules of haiku may be frowned upon by the literary public and considered erroneous.
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