Poetry- World beyond: the letter from the other end- pawnerspaper
Read More:Time Etched On The Face Of The Old
A letter scribbled from my heart
To you, with my blood its written
Hope you remember all from the start
How slow, timid and frightened
We walked down the trembling isle of love
How pierced, bruised, endowned
We were with fiery words from fient tongues
How we carved the crook path into a blooming garden
How we sealed our mouth and feed with our eyes
Remember and hold these words to your heart
Let it console you and widen your lips
Cast it under the moonlight illumination
To reflect the days we had
remember, for this ink holder
Has set her wrinkled feet on the ship
To the sail on the sea of life
To the told-tale of the world beyond
Tags: #poetry #world #beyond #pawnerspaper #romance #love #dead #literary # peace #daisy #adedejiraphael