--> "LOVE LIVES HERE NO MORE" "LETTER TO MAAMI", Two Poems By Ololade Edun | Pawners Paper

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The poet, Ololade Edun, weaves words of magic and breathes emotion into his poems. In "Love Lives Here No More", he expertly tells...

The poet, Ololade Edun, weaves words of magic and breathes emotion into his poems. In "Love Lives Here No More", he expertly tells a story of a heartbroken lover and the memories, pains and hurts that accompany it. The poem is filled with exquisite imageries that create a sound picture and recreate into the minds of the readers on what if feels like to be betrayed.

The second poem "Letter To Mama" narrates the ordeals within marriages and the sacrifices. The poem emphasizes deeply on the dangers of domestic violence in marriages and also, satirically, criticizes the society she lives in as a country "where there is no law or legal standard".

Indeed, both poems are incredibly scripted.
Editorial Team

Love Lives Here No More. 

The broken feelings left scattered around the compound did grow, 
Clustered in chaos of nothingness and pool of late regrets, 
I tried to patch them, trim off excesses and maybe let go.
But time failed to heal this hurt, each day a reminder of Love,
I was on the aisle with our wedding vows but Love showed up not, 
Love grew cold feet, left town without good byes, love left hurt and pain.
But isn't it too late now? Love came back, wanted to right all wrongs, 
This time tears won't do, I can't feel Love's presence for all that's left, 
Is a body. A cold dead body. The one Love abandoned.

Letters to Mààmí

Mààmí, Tade came home drunk last night,
Spitting fire and breaking bounds,
His temper rivaled that of Òlùkòsò Ókó Òyà,
His voice sends cold shivers down my cells,
I couldn't keep up, I was losing this battle.

Mààmí, He shove me one side with just one push,
Breaking every bone of hope I had in him,
He dashed into the room before I could say 'help'
With belts, cuffs, ties and slaps I was bounded,
To do his biddings not just on our lofty bed.

Mààmí, He cut my skin with painful words,
Breaking our vows - I couldn't keep up,
I tried to calm him but he wouldn't give up,
His hands found a way around my tiny neck,
Slowly I wish I succumbed to the hands of Death.

Mààmí, I found solace in the midst of my sorrow,
Like a broken mirror - dangerous and powerful,
I found strength in a broken glass lying around,
I killed him with a cut and watched him bled,
To death and everything that comes after it.

Mààmí, find me a great lawyer else I go to jail,
The one smart enough to make it all go away,
Find me a soul that can spin this murderous tale,
Of how to get away with murder and media scandal,
In a country where there is no law or legal standards.

Author's Bio
Ololade Edun Pawners Paper

Ololade Edun is a contemporary Nigerian creative and a graduating student of Microbiology. His works have featured and forthcoming in anthologies, Pawners Papers, SPIC Family, PoetryFamily, Country Tales, TheSpeakingHeart amongst others. He has interests in the areas of Medicine, Literature, Sciences, and Leadership. 

He is a Parliamentarian, a finalist with the Tobi Coker Writing Competition, former Editor-in-Chief of NAMS OAU and Author of ‘Closet of Secrets’ and his critically acclaimed anthology titled ‘TIME’. When he is not writing, Ololade is either in the laboratory culturing microbes or drowning in Indian/Pakistani playback songs. 

You can reach him via +2349063957289 or Horlorlardaeyedun@gmail.com 

Tags: #poem #pawnerspaper #poetry #incredible #letter #maami #love #lives #nigerianpoet #nigeria #poet 

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Pawners Paper: "LOVE LIVES HERE NO MORE" "LETTER TO MAAMI", Two Poems By Ololade Edun
The poet, Ololade Edun, weaves words of magic and breathes emotion into his poems. In "Love Lives Here No More", he expertly tells...
Pawners Paper
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